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The_Beest 4 years ago
Arsenal, England 3 4

Let's Be Honest PELE Was The Greatest Footballer Of All Time He Even Created The Bicycle Kick.

And How About Denis Bergkamp He Was Great Too.

Lets Not Forget Aboat Steven Garrad He Is A Great Guy The Things That He Achieved Was Amazing.

And The Same Goes To Patrik Veira He goes Down As A legend Too.

Dont Worry I Haven't Forgotten Aboat Maradona He Was A G.O.A.T.

And The LIst Continues...Here Is My Top 10

  1. PELE
  2. Messi/ Ronaldo........Both Too Good Cant Choose
  3. Neymar Jr
  4. Maradona
  5. Denis Begkamp
  6. Patrick veria
  7. Steven Garrad
  8. Ronaldinho
  9. Gareth Bale
  10. Ronaldo 9

Ok so That Was My Top 10 How Aboat Yours? Dont Be Afraid Too Give Your Top 10

Everyone Has There Own Opinion And I Respect That.


tuan_jinn 4 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

PELE Was The Greatest Footballer Of All Time

I disagree right away. he's not even as enjoyable to watch as Maradona. You can drag him in a debate of greatest scorer of all time... okay, except half of his goal comes from friendly.

It's too hard to say something like that when football back then is very different now and it's simply not trackable. I based all by judgement on video... and he's far from the greatest. I was lucky enough to watch Maradona in his last few years though.

For me, Messi is the greatest, because he's top in all category. Still, football in a team sport, a star can only shine if he has support enough from his team. So take all that into account, then Im talking about all categories of skills, dribbling, dictating matches, architect and finishing.

The legends like Pele, Maradona, Zidan, Ronaldinho, Roberto Baggio, Ronaldo 7 or 9 etc... sure they are the biggest stars in their team but saying they single handedly won the cup etc... are an insult to all the legends around them. This is the argument I hate the most. And we very often forget about defenders, defensive mid... etc...

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PELE Was The Greatest Footballer Of All Time

I disagree right away. he's not even as enjoyable to watch as Maradona. You can drag him in a debate of greatest scorer of all time... okay, except half of his goal comes from friendly.

It's too hard to say something like that when football back then is very different now and it's simply not trackable. I based all by judgement on video... and he's far from the greatest. I was lucky enough to watch Maradona in his last few years though.

For me, Messi is the greatest, because he's top in all category. Still, football in a team sport, a star can only shine if he has support enough from his team. So take all that into account, then Im talking about all categories of skills, dribbling, dictating matches, architect and finishing.

The legends like Pele, Maradona, Ronaldinho, Roberto Baggio, Ronaldo 7 & 9 etc... sure they are the biggest stars in their team but saying they single handedly won the cup etc... are an insult to all the legends around them. This is the argument I hate the most

PELE Was The Greatest Footballer Of All Time

I disagree right away. he's not even as enjoyable to watch as Maradona. You can drag him in a debate of greatest scorer of all time... okay, except half of his goal comes from friendly.

It's too hard to say something like that when football back then is very different now and it's simply not trackable. I based all by judgement on video... and he's far from the greatest. I was lucky enough to watch Maradona in his last few years though.

For me, Messi is the greatest, because he's top in all category. Still, football in a team sport, a star can only shine if he has support enough from his team. So take all that into account, then Im talking about all categories of skills, dribbling, dictating matches, architect and finishing.

The legends like Pele, Maradona, Ronaldinho, Roberto Baggio, Ronaldo 7 or 9 etc... sure they are the biggest stars in their team but saying they single handedly won the cup etc... are an insult to all the legends around them. This is the argument I hate the most

DarthFooty 4 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1138

I agree that these lists tend to leave out some of the most gifted players due to the position they played. Much like the Ballon d'or, it is a strikers award or a popularity contest.

These lists also have a lot of counterpoints due to opinions on era, skill, titles, world cups won, goals scored, most fans on facebook/twitter, ect....

I think most can come up with a solid top 5 that people can agree with, no matter the order. When you get longer down the list, well that begs for more factors.

Any GOAT list will draw attention and spark conversation, but most just become b^h sessions. Just because I might disagree with you, does not mean you are my mortal enemy now. We just differ on whatever we are covering and you are not any more or any less of a person for having that different opinion.

That said, this thread could get fun. haha

Footy_watch 4 years ago Edited
Arsenal, Brazil 28 1927

My top 7:

1) Thierry Henry
2) R9
3) Ronaldinho
4) Zidane
5) Abou Diaby
6) Kaka
7) Bergkamp
8) Neymar

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Thierry Henry was my favourite player but I believe R9 or Ronaldinho are the best out of everyone

Thierry Henry was my favourite player but I believe R9 or Ronaldinho are the best out of everyone. I dont know about the 20th century though


My top 4:

1) Thierry Henry
2) R9
3) Ronaldinho
4) Abou Diaby

Since you are clearly going by your favourites.
My top 5:

1) Thierry Henry
2) R9
3) Ronaldinho
4) Abou Diaby
5) Kaka

Since you are clearly going by your favourites.
My top 7:

1) Thierry Henry
2) R9
3) Ronaldinho
4) Abou Diaby
5) Kaka
6) Bergkamp
7) Neymar

My top 7:

1) Thierry Henry
2) R9
3) Ronaldinho
4) Abou Diaby
5) Kaka
6) Bergkamp
7) Neymar

pyscho3 3 years ago
0 5

Good post!