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I'm Back
DonAndres 6 years ago
Barcelona 62 1138

Nobody cares i know :D

Hi guys.A few years ago this place here used to be my home but due to professional reasons and limited free time i stopped being active anymore.
Now after all this time i think i am able to be active here as i've got enough time to deal interact with people and enjoy football again.
Do you guys even remember me?
Are Quikzyyy,Emrecan58,Lodatz,tikitaka,Dynastian98,Tuanjinn still active on here? And i definetely have forgotten some of them. It would be nice to read your messages again. And i hope everyone of you is doing great.

Since exactly one year and a week i left my hometown Athens(Greece) and i moved to Berlin ,Germany.
It was a great decision but in the beginning it was difficult as hell.
I was all alone in a new city without a job and without knowing any people.
There was a period during my first 3 months in Germany that i was deep into depression. i Arrived here Being 89 Kilos and suddenly i was 72 :/ within a couple of months. Of course i lost any interest for the lovely sport. I watched the games of Barcelona but i didn't gave a fuck if we lost or won. Add to that that i am extremely against Valverde most of the times so i didnt even enjoy the football my club was playing. I was just watching football to kill some time.No emotions. And for somebody who knows me that's totally strange cause i get really passionate,mad during a game.Anyway.
After some months of time things got better. i Got a job and through the job i started knowing people.I learned the language.And things in general run in a more smooth way.
Today all this are the past. I may not have so many friends or people to hang out(its not easy for germans to be social if you don't try a lot :P) but i am basically happy and calm without many worries.
I was always a fan of Bundesliga and now even more due to my enviroment (when people around you talk about something all the time you also become interested on it). I had always a preferrence to Borussia Dortmund so this year i started going to their games. Its quite far from where i leave but it deserves it. I Don't support them though,Barca remains the club that makes me happy,proud,sad,angry etc , but i like when they win and its always amazing to be at Westfalen.
So far i have been to the following games,home and away :
BVB-Augsburg 4-3(WHAT A GAME!!!! have a look at my tweet
BVB - Bayern 3-2
Schalke - BVB 1-2
BVB - Werder Bremen 2-1
RB Leipzig -BVB 0-1
and there a lot more to come :)
Also i was at the El Clasico in Camp Nou 5-1 and i will be there tomorrow as well for the Copa Del Rey game.
I want tp say that football experience in Germany is amazing. Maybe the league has not the same quality as spain and England but its far from farmers league that people think.Very entertaining football with amazing atmosphere.
What is very important and worthy of saying is that Football in germany remains for everybody and not only for the Rich.Exactly as it should be . Every game at the famous yellow wall of Dortmund costs 17,30€.

That was it from me. a big hug to everybody and we will definetely be in touch!

Emobot7 6 years ago
543 11488

Hello there, its alway nice to see a veteran such as yourself back on the forum, quite the honor in fact. As for the user still active, all those you named still tend to drop from time to time, however, the most active among them still are propably Quikzyyy, tikitaka and tuanjinn. Anyway, its very nice to have you back and I hope we will be able to enjoy good discussion in the future. :D

tuan_jinn 6 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Welcomeeee backkkk!!!

Sound like you start to do great again! Awesome. Ohhh man I love Berlin, been there like 10 times or more :). Quikzyy went through something similar (a bit worst) read it up on the thread "Journey of Quikzyy" or something... :D

I'm still waiting for the The old Lodaz vs Tiki crazy debate :D. There are a few more new active members, Our great mod @Emo from Canada here is one, and you know what they say about Canadian, and yep he's a Believeber (or something like that) :x xD

Lodatz 6 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

Sup Don. :)

Hope you're well mate.

ramaboy10 6 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

the return

quikzyyy 6 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

me right now!

tiki_taka 6 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Welcome back bro, thanks for the nice words.

Ledley 6 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

Congragulations for not supporting Bayern whilst living in Germany. Anyway, your story sounds great. Keep your chin up and keep going, nothing like working abroad. You might miss the opportunity when its over.

DonAndres 6 years ago
Barcelona 62 1138

Hello Guys. Its always good to read your messages. Thank you all for the welcoming!
Its great that most of you are still active here.

enter image description here

Emobot7 6 years ago
543 11488

@Don Only thing I can think of when I see that stadium is "Mes que un Club". Gotta love Barca.

Emrecan_58 6 years ago
Besiktas 149 3376

Damn, this thread is like the reunion of good old days :')

Golefty 6 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1018

@Donandres damn i am so jealous of all the Dortmund game you have seen, its on my bucket list to go to a BVB game.

@tuanjin, what do they say about canadians lol