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Joe_Manchester 13 years ago
Manchester United, Egypt 108 627

Dear Footyroom,

Can you please put an icon next to your url?
Just to look fancy :)

possibly Manchester United :P :P :P

Joe_Manchester 13 years ago
Manchester United, Egypt 108 627

Also, can you please post live commentaries on important games? That would be very much appreciated, thanks :)

Teams mostly needed I think for live commentary: Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal, Real M, Barcelona, Milan, Inter, Bayern Munich

As always Thanks

I know I know I ask a lot but it's only because I love your website and I come to it everyday

Joe_Manchester 13 years ago
Manchester United, Egypt 108 627

Last thing, can you please post the Egyptian League? THANKS

bayumurti94 9 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 0 74

I sometimes have problem with Playwire, maybe you can consider moving to another hosting.

Joe_Manchester 9 years ago
Manchester United, Egypt 108 627

Time flies!!!