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How old are you guys?
Jeffrey_Hazard 12 years ago
Chelsea, France 81 456

I'm 16 just going to graduate soon from secondary school(age:13-16) not sure what its called in your country though.I'm living in this hot country called Singapore but I was born in France(wished I still lived there)I moved out from France when I was a toddler and after that I never went back wished I did.I'm living in Singapore due to personal terms.If I still lived at France I would hoped I joined any french football academy,I would be so grateful.For now after secondary school I will be going to college and after that hopefully to uni.I wanna be a aerospace engineer(realistic speaking)

So how old are you guys and what do you do/plan in life?or your ambitions?please share,I've shared mine :-)

keith28120 12 years ago
Chelsea, Ireland 60 177


Zakzook 12 years ago
Arsenal, Syria 32 785

I am 16, originally Syrian but I live in Qatar.  I want to become a programmer.

awais007 12 years ago
Chelsea, Pakistan 178 922

I am 20 years old
I am from Lahore,Pakistan
I am studying BS Civil Engineering from University of Lahore