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"Highlights not available in your region"
Greatone 5 years ago
Arsenal, Australia 19 727

I'm in australia and have not been able to watch a single match's highlights for the last while on here because all the highlights are from skysports which are blocking it according to my region.

"Video unavailable
The uploader has not made this video available in your country."

I wasn't saying anything for a bit because I was hoping not all highlights would be uploaded from the same source and eventually things would return to normal but I guess there's no point staying here if I can't watch highlights.

Emobot7 5 years ago
543 11488

Yeah, sadly, I'm gonna be honest, I kinda stopped coming to footyroom for my highlight need but I really think you should stay if only for the forum. Its a great place to discuss football with quite a few great peoples. ;)

Marcus2011 5 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

YouTube killed football highlight websites

DarthFooty 5 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1139

Yeah, I don't come here for highlights anymore. Youtube works well for me.

expertfootball11 4 years ago
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

Did you try VPNs?
Basically since all these major sporting channels began releasing those short video of highlights, which are usually not longer than 3 minutes, and the subsequent crackdown on other channels, it has become increasingly difficult to find quality highlights. I'm still surpried how streaming still works in this ultra controlled cyberspace.

Ledley 4 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

@Greatone - Optus sport post the highlights on YouTube after a match for free.