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Hello people
Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

Hello, I'm a somewhat new football fan. I've alway liked the sport but it was with the 2014 world cup I realised how big the beautiful game was. After that, it wasn't long before I became obsessed with it. I learned as much as I could about what had happened in european football in recent year and I think I'm pretty up to date with what is going on now. I've never been one to join forum and such thing before since I'm somewhat reserved (that and my first language isn't english) but I'm trying to work on it. Also, the community here seem real nice and somewhat more mature than other site and forum I saw before, that's why I tought it could be nice to try and join in. I don't really have a favorite team (even tough I do have some team I like more than other) and I think of myself as someone who simply appreciate good football. So, that's it from me, I'm looking foward to be a part of the community.

SunFlash 9 years ago
USA 19 3260

Welcome mate.

This is the best forum for this sport I've been on, hope you'll have as good a time as I have.


Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

@SunFlash Thank you very much, it's nice to be greeted by a fellow canadian. Hope to see more of you.

liomessi10 9 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

Welcome mate.

decentK 9 years ago
Arsenal 38 2896

What's up buddy. Big welcome!

JozeMourinho 9 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

Welcome to the football family!

Eden17Hazard17 9 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232


Drogba! Drogba! Drogba!

KTBFFHSWE 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Chelsea supporters united on FF welcome you to this great community^

tiki_taka 9 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

Welcome mate !

Aiden_Finland 9 years ago
Real Madrid, Finland 18 1236

Welcome to our community!

tuan_jinn 9 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Welcome mate. Enjoy your our awesome community!!!

shpalman 9 years ago
AC Milan, Italy 55 2252

welcome to FR :)

Tuanis 9 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

Lots of north americans have joined recently. If you want to keep yourself updated and talk about the most relevant of news surrounding football then consider hanging around the forum frequently.

oh and.. Welcome.

louis_van_gaal 9 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 38 786

Welcome mate.

I can relate to your story as I also really fell in love with the game after the 2014 World Cup. I joined this community around a year ago and it is truly amazing (except for a few trolls). You won't regret it. I, like SunFlash am also Canadian and I follow the MLS so I hope to have great discussions with you.


Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11488

Wow, thank you very much for all the greeting, it's really great of you all. Looking foward to having interesting discussions with you guys.

@Eden17Hazard17 Haha, yeah, Didier Drogba talent is definitely something Chelsea fan and I can agree on.

@louis_van _gaal Thanks mate, looking foward to it as well, also, I alway knew you weren't really from the Netherlands.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

Oh man, I was walking trough memory lane and thought about this thread which was my first, feel like so long ago! But its also like it went too fast... you know what I mean. Above all else, I'm just happy to still be here, enjoying the forum and the company of you guys (or gals :P). Anyway, cheers to 2 great year where we talked, argued and fooled around just for the fun and joy of it! ;)

Tuanis 7 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

Its always fun to look back at old forum posts, especial the very first ones. Happy formumversary?

Croatian 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323

It's impressive that you got moderator in less than 2 years, and managed to post 200+ posts and 6000+ comments, really impressive feat Emo. Hope you stay around for long ;)

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

@Tuanis Thanks! Heres hoping there will be many more! :)

@Croatian Thanks man! I like to think I put a lot of effort into becoming a productive user on the forum. As for being a moderator, I guess its thanks to my good nature. But to be fair, its a lot harder than I thought it would be at first. XD Anyway, I hope you I stay long on FR and that you do too mate. ;)

Yvan21 7 years ago
0 440

Like Croatian said, less than 2 years and so many posts and comments is pretty crazy :o More proof that bots are going to take over humanity in the near future, don't say I didn't warn you all !

liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

🎶🎶DON'T say i didn't, say i didn't warn yaa!🎶🎶🎶