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Happy Holidays
DarthFooty 2 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1140

I want to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday season, no matter how you celebrate or not.

This is a smaller, pretty quiet group, but we still have each other. You are not alone and I tip my cap to each one of you. Thank you for being.... YOU!

SunFlash 2 years ago
USA 19 3260

Happy Holidays!

It's a weird one for me as I'm alone in a new city, but perspective never hurts. I went to the gym just now (totally empty on Christmas Eve evening) and as I was running on the treadmill, frustrated about how all the people who were with the ones they loved and I was alone, I saw through the window a homeless guy pushing his cart down the street in -25 Celsius, who probably would have been overjoyed to have the Christmas that I'm about to have.

Still not overly content with being alone on the day, but I feel better about it now than I did before.

DarthFooty 2 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1140

Perspective is a bigger deal than many realize. Sorry to hear you are alone for the day, especially in a new place. Was this move wanted?

While I do have my wife with me, we were in 10-degree temps and the power was out for 9 hours. Could have been worse, but definitely could have been better. haha

_Pelle_ 2 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

Merry christmas and happy new to whoever celebrates it🥳

expertfootball11 2 years ago
Real Madrid, France 64 2837

Merry xmas, happy new year

raimondo90 2 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

Hey, a little late on Christmas but happy new years to you and everyone else. I've been gone a long time but thought I'd stop by and drop a message. Hope everyone had a great year a better one to come!

Emobot7 2 years ago
543 11491

Happy new year you guys!!! I hope you are all staying healthy and happy and having a great time, no matter how you celebrate. I'll try to be more active next year and I hope to see more of all of you as well!

@Sunflash Hang in there mate, I really hope you had and will have a decent time despite the difficult situation you are in. Hope you come to see this end of year as a starting point and that you can look back on it later and see how you managed to improve your situation. I really wish you all the best.

@Raimondo So good to see you, hope you are doing well, hopefully, we will see more of you next year! :D

@DarthFooty Thanks for the thread, its a really nice attention and I appreciate it! Hope thing goes well for you from now on and you'll have power for the rest of the year!

@Pelle @expertfootball Cheers guys! Have a great 2023! :D

Solidbow 2 years ago
0 5

Thank you for the wishes! I may be a little late, still wishing everyone health and wellness this year.