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Guys, I think I need help.
Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11491

I've started playing Fallout New Vegas recently and haven't been able to stop at all. I pass nearly all my free time on the game. I think I might be addicted... :(

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
543 11491

@iHEART Er... Dare I ask what is that video about?

Edit: Ok, I get the reference now after checking around, I guess I should just watch South Park at this point, would save me a bunch of trouble. :P

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@iHEART Er... Dare I ask what is that video about?

_Pelle_ 7 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

Finish the main quest... It should be a way to calm the addiction a bit. It's worse when you play a game focused on multiplayer or with no real main quest.

Gennady 7 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

@iHEARTfootball LMAO!

Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1018

I've started playing Fallout New Vegas recently and haven't been able to stop at all. I pass nearly all my free time on the game. I think I might be addicted... :(

@ Emobot7 i think that is the coolest thing youve ever said

Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1018

I love that game, you got to get yourself a fire axe man, there OP as fuck

NovaRuk 7 years ago
Real Madrid/Barcelona, Malaysia 17 741

Tbh with you Emo, getting addicted to playing games is normal for me. The only thing that stops me from playing is when I feel tired or dizzy. I get addicted too when I play RPG games such as Skyrim, Mass Effect. The hardest game that I ever got stuck with is Witcher 3. I think I playthrough that game about 3 times. Sooner or later you'll get bored of it. I hope. ;)

Ledley 7 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

Im a gamer. One trick I use for this is to not try and stop myself. Instead I try other games and the game I am addicted to suddenly just becomes another boring game. I log out of all of them as i cant keep up thereafter and it is seen as just a 'game'. 2cents.

_Pelle_ 7 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

@NovaRuk: In that case I really do recommend AC:Origins and Horizon zero dawn ;)

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11491

@Pelle Yeah, might play Horizon Zero Dawn soon, my sis got the game on the ps4. The game look really great for the little I've seen of it. As for AC:Origin, it doesn't run on my pc sadly and my sister doesn't have that one. :( But yeah, completing the main quest kind of cooled down my addiction to the game. Still want to play through the DLC. :D

@Golefty Sadly, my character is isn't really build to use melee weapon, defo will try it in my next playthrough though. Also would be glad to share thought on the game with you on a later date if you are interested. ;)

@NovaRuk I was a pretty huge Skyrim fan once upon a time, played something like 700 hours of it overall at minimum, so its no real suprise for me I love New Vegas (both we're made by the same studio). As for Witcher 3, I just completed the Blood and Wine expansion before getting into Fallout New Vegas. :D Love Witcher 3 to dead, such an incredibly massive game and a great conclusion to the Witcher trilogy (yeah, I played both the first and second games before the third).

@Ledley Thats actually a good trick. Thanks for you're opinion.