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Guess the player #22
Emobot7 6 years ago
543 11489

This player was the top scorer in a prestigious tournament he played in for his national team. He also played in Mexico. He scored over 200 goal in his whole career (including his NT career) and won his nation footballer award of the year twice. He was also elected president of his country FA. The nation he played for has a P in its name.

iHEARTfootball 6 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

Just to we all know, what does the "NT" stand for?

Emobot7 6 years ago
543 11489

@iHEARTfootball National Team! Sorry if it wasn't clear though. My bad. :(

Emobot7 6 years ago
543 11489

Anyone got an idea? Need more hint maybe?

Ledley 6 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

Claudio Pizarro? No Wikipedia you cheaters :p

iHEARTfootball 6 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

Without Wikipedia? That makes it almost impossible then. I'm going to have to go with some bloke from either Portugal or Paraguay.

Emobot7 6 years ago
543 11489

Yeah, its going to be pretty hard if you don't use wikipedia. And no, its not Claudio Pizarro. Anyway, here some more hint: he was a national team player for his country in the 70 and the 80. He also played in an amateur football club at the end of his career.

Emobot7 6 years ago Edited
543 11489

Guys, you can and should use wikipedia for this one. Next one will be without wikipedia but for now, use it. Anyway, more hint, the nation he played for was an european country and he is in this nation top 3 best goalscorer even to this day. There is also only 3 player with more caps than him for his country.

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Guys, you can and should use wikipedia for this one. Next one will be without wikipedia but for now, use it. Anyway, more hint, the nation he played for was an european country and he is in this nation top 3 best goalscorer even to this day. There is also only 3 player with more caps than him.

raimondo90 6 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

Given your hints I think I found him Grzegorz Lato. Polish international, second all time top scorer for his nation and played in Atlanta (Mexico). Never heard of him before tbh

Emobot7 6 years ago
543 11489

Yep, thats him! Congrats! enter image description here