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Guess the player 2018 edition #15
Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

This player was considered part of a golden generation of his nation. He played in both Italy and in Germany and in the late part of his career, he was plagued by injury. His playing career lasted less than 15 year and he made less than 300 league appearance as a player. Not known for his pace, this player was considered hard-working and tactically intelligent. He also won the Champion League at least once in his career, career that started toward the end of the 80 and was already over before 2004. There is the letter V in the city he was born into.

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

Lizarazu from France?

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

Lizarazu didn't play in Italy from what I've seen and he do seem to have played more than 300 league game in different domestic league. But still, its a good guess. :D

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

Sorry I read Spain instead of Italy my bad...

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

How about Lúcio from Brazil?

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

@Golazo Excellent guess but sadly, its not the player I was thinking of, Lucio career goes way beyond the time this player career ended.

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

So how many tries is allowed to guess? xD

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

3 a day? That would seem fair imo. :D

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

Ok give a hint about the players position if you can then I got 1 try left :p

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

Nvm my final guess is Paulo Sousa

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
543 11488

@Golazo Well well, congrats mate, you found him. :D Here is your reward: enter image description here

How you find him btw? I'm curious. :)

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@Golazo Well well, congrats mate, you found him. :D Here is your reward: enter image description here

Golazo111 7 years ago Edited
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

Benfica shirt? :p

I had in my mind golden generation of a nation player but mistook Italy for Spain first, then first player that came to my mind was Lucio cause of Brazil generation that won the World Cup and then I googled about golden generations and I learned that Portugal also had one even if they didn't win big...So I was looking at the CL finals from 1990-2003 and found Sousa in Dortumund vs Juventus 3:1 final in the 90's...

In my mind I was thinking that it can be someone from Denmark or former Yugoslavia but as soon as I found out that Portugal had that generation I got curious into that, I had in my mind Rui Costa but already expected that he didn't play in Germany so I kept going...

Without internet I wouldn't come close to find the player, which means you did a good job to describe the quiz which is not easy to do.

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Benfica shirt? :p

I had in my mind golden generation of a nation player but mistook Italy for Spain first, then first player that came to my mind was Lucio cause of Brazil generation that won the World Cup and then I googled about golden generations and I learned that Portugal also had one even if they didn't win big...So I was looking at the CL finals from 1990-2003 and found Sousa in Dortumund vs Juventus 3:1 final in the 90's...

Without internet I wouldn't come close to find the player, which means you did a good job to describe the quiz which is not easy to do.

Benfica shirt? :p

I had in my mind golden generation of a nation player but mistook Italy for Spain first, then first player that came to my mind was Lucio cause of Brazil generation that won the World Cup and then I googled about golden generations and I learned that Portugal also had one even if they didn't win big...So I was looking at the CL finals from 1990-2003 and found Sousa in Dortumund vs Juventus 3:1 final in the 90's...

In my mind I was thinking that it can be someone from Denmark or former Yugoslavia but as soon as I found out that Portugal had that generation I got curious into that...

Without internet I wouldn't come close to find the player, which means you did a good job to describe the quiz which is not easy to do.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

@Golazo Paulo played his first four pro season at Benfica, thats why I got the Benfica shirt as a reward. :D

And yeah, I saw the golden generation article on wikipedia, since its generally there I tend to take my info for hint. Good work btw, you did good. ;)

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

@Emo Thx for doing this quiz thing!