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Guess the player 2018 edition #12
Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
543 11488

This former european world cup winner is currently an adviser for his former national team. After his playing career, he tried his hand at managing and managed a Africain national team for a little while. He played mostly as a playmaker trough his career and won his only club trophy at a club whose kits main color is blue. His current age is between 55 year old and 60 year old. The city in which he was born start with a M.

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This former european world cup winner is currently an adviser for his former national team. After his player career, he tried his hand at managing and managed a Africain national team for a little while. He played mostly as a playmaker trough his career and won his only club trophy at a club whose kits main color is blue. His current age is between 55 year old and 60 year old. The city in which he was born start with a M.

kyoekyar 7 years ago
12 163

Giuseppe Dossena

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
543 11488

@kyoekyar Well, damn, that was quick, how you find it this time? Here your price by the way: enter image description here

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@kyoekyar Well, damn, that was quick, how you find it this time? Here your priced by the way: enter image description here

kyoekyar 7 years ago
12 163

There are only a couple teams from europe which won WC with players age between 55-60. 1990 West Germany and 1982 Italy.

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
543 11488

@kyo I knew I shouldn't have said he was european. :P Still, good work sherlock. XD

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@kyo I knew I should have said he was european. :P Still, good work sherlock. XD

kyoekyar 7 years ago
12 163

@emo if you didn't include world cup winner, that would be a whole different level in term of difficulty lol.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

@kyoekyar Oh yeah, I guess it would have been a lot harder. XD