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Gladbach complete permanent deal for Thorgan Hazard
Marcus2011 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Chucksea 10 years ago
Chelsea 5 267

I think it is the right choice. Dodging a De Bruynesque affair with him coming back. The buy back clause shows Chelsea got it this time.

liomessi10 10 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

i would never have thought chelsea would sell him!!!!!!!!!

decentK 10 years ago
Arsenal 38 2896


HorseAFC 10 years ago
60 798

Good job Gladbach!

quikzyyy 10 years ago
Arsenal 429 9009

Don't worry, Chelsea will buy him back in few years.

KTBFFHSWE 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Yes, pretty sure Arsenal won't buy him anyways if he proves to be an amazing player^

KTBFFHSWE 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Anyways.. So much for Mourinho putting faith in the Hazard brothers.. In my head that would be a deadly combination in a year or two.. Therefore, I don't like this..

KTBFFHSWE 10 years ago Edited
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

Together with the loan fee for the past season they paid his market value which is £8,8m.. Meanwhile Chelsea bought him for 440 Th. £ so it's a tremendous profit for a player that hasn't even played for the club..

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Together with the loan fee for the past season they paid his market value which is £8,8m.. Meanwhile Chelsea bought him for 440 Th. £ so it's a tremendous profit for a player that hasn't even played for the club..

Still, wanted to keep him though..

Marcus2011 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

How much is the buy back clause ? I could not find it .

And tell me about it . I thought he should have gone for little more higher but he is young , so hopefully he will turn out to be world class playmaker even better than his brother .

KTBFFHSWE 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

The contract is for 4+1 years so it ought to be considerably higher than the transfer cost but still a lot lower than if we would have to buy him back without it! All in all this is a great deal for Chelsea with the buy-back clause.. Can't find the numbers anywhere so don't think it's been revealed yet..

Also, it's a great step for T. Hazard as well.. I mean they're 3rd in the bundesliga now.. so he'll play with and against good players.. Got a feeling he'll be back in Chelsea in the future.. Especially if Eden stays put..

KTBFFHSWE 10 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

I feel like I'm giving out mixed signals about the transfer here.. I just don't know what to think! When the immediate disappointment that he wont play with Chelsea anytime soon is gone, I 'm starting to think it's a really good transfer considering the buy-back clause and the amount of money we've earned on him already..

Eden17Hazard17 9 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

Thorgan Hazard has been handed the number 10 shirt at Gladbach for the upcoming season. Hoping to see great things from him. It would be awesome if we drew Gladbach in the CL group stage draw.

Marcus2011 9 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501

Thorgan would love to comeback and play with his brother . I am sure if he has another great season , he will be back in the following season .

tiki_taka 9 years ago
Barcelona, France 367 9768

That would be great to see two brothers under the same colours...