31 years ?! O.o as a doctor i really don't know what i have to do in such situation ? just keeping a persong alive just clinically for 31 years ! this is insane and illogical indeed ! and also letting him die is inhuman !! aghhh it's really a very complicated issue :/
This is the story of JEAN-PIERRE ADAMS.
This former French International midfield enforcer was best known as being 1 of the 2-man garde noire (black guard) that helped solidify France's midfield. At the age of 34 Adams underwent routine knee surgery only to never wake up again. A mistake regarding the dose of anesthetics administered left Adams in a coma just before the 1982 World Cup where France finished as Semi-Finalists.
Unfortunately, he has remained in a coma since then and has been cared for by his wife for the last 31 years.
Sad story indeed but I thought I'd share it.
For more: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2007/05/09/soccer-france-adams-idUKL0720463520070509