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Football summit reaction
Footy_watch 5 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 28 1927

Euro 2020 delayed until 2021

tuan_jinn 5 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

:( Pretty sad

srk_rox 5 years ago Edited
Liverpool 5 542

I don't give a damn. Sometimes, football saturates me so bad that i stop watching games on a 6 month spree.

Klopp describes football as “the most important of the least important things”
No arguing with that. When I was a kid, my granny used to always remind me that it is the players who make shitloads of money when i used to watch the cricket game for the whole day and do nothing

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I don't give a damn. Sometimes, football saturates me so bad that i stop watching games on a 6 month spree.

Klopp's quote reminds me 'football is the most important thing among the least important things in life'.
No arguing with that. When I was a kid, my granny used to always remind me that it is the players who make shitloads of money when i used to watch the cricket game for the whole day and do nothing

Footy_watch 5 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 28 1927

my granny used to always remind me that it is the players who make loads of money when i used to watch the cricket game for the whole day and do nothing

Anything taken to such an extreme is bad. But it is still true most of the time that watching football is a waste of time. Instead of watching it we could be playing it and getting the health benefits on top of the enjoyment.

tuan_jinn 5 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

That's all about perspective.

Some of us live in a football culture, social interaction evolves around the games. Meet up, share hobby, staying late and have a beer together while watching football is a beautiful thing.

Similar to anything else, if you use your time wisely, choose your games, it's great.

Say I live in Western Europe, and sometimes in South East Asia, I do have a lot of activities, sport.... but during o normal (not going out or sport hours), I can choose either watching film, series or waiting for a match of football of my favorite team, or work on my house... Now having a good football match is something I ALWAYS look forward too, prepare good dinner or super, a couple of beers, snack... Live with the game...

Euro or Wolrd Cup is a month of that. :D:D:D Mini diffierent kind of vacation

Emobot7 5 years ago
543 11485

I dunno for you, but I like to think that football can serve as inspiration and motivation to do more for our society. Thats the way I see it. Maybe I'm being too positive about it. XD

tuan_jinn 5 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@Emo: no,

Cuz you are Emobot, or Canadian


In that order

Emrecan_58 5 years ago
Besiktas 149 3376

Hahahhah nice one @tuan_jinn

Emobot7 5 years ago
543 11485

@tuan XD Ok, maybe not that far, but at this point, can we at least agree football is a sport that have gone farther than a simple entertainement.

tuan_jinn 5 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Agree bro.

Can we agree Canadian are nice and Emo is miles ahead? =))))

srk_rox 5 years ago
Liverpool 5 542

I am kind of curious.
Are the Canadians nice people because the Government takes care of them with social benefits?
I heard Canada has some of the best social security, child care,etc.

Emobot7 5 years ago
543 11485

To be honest, Canada is a great place to live, very peaceful, not lots of thing to worry about, unemployement and criminality are not as huge a deal here than in many other place in the world. We got healt insurance as well, we could certainly be a lot worse off. I still think the image that people have of all canadian being nice is a bit of cliche though. We got all kind of people over here after all. :D