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Fifa 15 - Windows store
Spencer_T_96 8 years ago
Malaga, Spain 3 49

You can get this for free on windows 8 or 10, is it as good as the one you pay for?. I find it great!
it seems to have everything in the game.

dr_chelsea 8 years ago
Chelsea, England 1 58

I downloaded it from Windows store but it wont work for me. Well annoying but I've got PES anyway...

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
543 11485

@dr_chelsea Good for you, Fifa is nice but recent PES haven't been all that bad to be sincere, wish more people would give it a go. :( +1

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@dr_chelsea Good for you, Fifa is nice but recent PES haven't been all that bad to be sincere in my opinion, wish more people would give it a go. :( +1

MrGoooool 8 years ago
Liverpool, Mexico 27 580

emobot, I give it a chance but the GK are shit. they make mignolet look like neuer. But I think they said that the GK will be harder next PES

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11485

@MrGooool Yeah, thats one of the problem with pes 2016, keeper are a bit too easy to beat. They say they will improve it with the next game, I will wait to see before saying anything but the first impression from the people who tested the were pretty good. Its still sadly won't repair one the weakest point of the game, lack of license. This is one of the most annoying thing with this serie. Still, the graphic are great and the gameplay is really good in my opinion.

fifa1234 8 years ago
0 3

In the CSGO Skins played a somewhat acute role as it accustomed asleep players to broadcast the final abnormal of advice afterwards their deaths to their teammates. Abundant of this advice is listed above, and the opponents aswell acclimated the deathcam to conceivably broadcast the incorrect CSGO Keys to the asleep in adjustment to accord abroad apocryphal intentions. It was somewhat strategic, but there has been a ambulatory force abaft bringing aback the “fade to black” advantage for advancing.