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Fantasy Premier League (Money League)
Lacoste 6 years ago Edited
Liverpool, England 32 563

I know it's a long shot, but I've created a fantasy league, which cost 33$ to enter.

Few of my friends are in it and myself. The "first half" runs until Gameweek 20, which ends on like 29th-30th December. Winner Takes All The Money!

Then we start the "second half" which will also cost 33$ to enter, that will run the last gameweek, obviously if you don't want to play the second half, you don't enter.

If anyone is interested, let me know, I'll send you my paypal, after you deposit the entrance fee, I provide the code.

NO SCAM INTENDED! I just want more players, which is more fun, I'll even provide you my home address if you want lol

So basically you put down 33$ and have a chance of winning 333$++ depends on how many players are gonna join.

Let me know :)

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I know it's a long shot, but I've created a fantasy league, which cost 33$ to enter.

Few of my friends are in it and myself. The "first half" runs until Gameweek 20, which ends on like 29th-30th December. Winner Takes All The Money!

Then we start the "second half" which will also cost 33$ to enter, that will run the last gameweek, obviously if you don't want to play the second half, you don't enter.

If anyone is interested, let me know, I'll send you my paypal, after you deposit the entrance fee, I provide the code.

NO SCAM INTENDED! I just want more players, which is more fun, I'll even provide you my home address if you want lol

So basically you put down 33$ and have a chance of winning 333$++ depends on how many players are gonna join.

Let me know :)

quikzyyy 6 years ago
Arsenal 429 9009

or you can just play it for free..

amir_keal 6 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

I actually wouldn’t recommend this, there’s no proof you will actually get the money, and there’s always an option of playing for free.

Emobot7 6 years ago
542 11468

Yeah, sorry Lacoste, think I'll stick to the free fantasy league we do each summer.

legends16 6 years ago
Chelsea, England 39 783

have u got a link for that? I'd love to join if that's cool

Emobot7 6 years ago
542 11468

@legends Ain't the one who do it usualy, but I'm pretty sure someone will do it... soon? Otherwise I will. ;D

iHEARTfootball 6 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

not joining this one if it's essentially gambling.