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Fan ID
seangreenstone 7 years ago
Manchester United, Ireland 1 7

Hey, folks! I have a question. I have just purchased tickets for semi-finals and thought that was enough. But then that fan id thing popped up out of nowhere! Does anybody know what it is? Is it obligatory to have one? Is it free to get? Help, asap. Thnx

tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Is that a ticket for the world cup?

If yes, then it's something required by the Russian authorities. Basically any fan who wants to enter the stadium needs to hold a valid ticket and a fan-Id which you can pre-request. A way to identify youself.

You can apply it via their official website:

This is also available on Fifa's official website.

Gennady 7 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

Yeah mate, it's required to have it when you'll go to the stadium and it's free to get.

I registered for it here and you'll have to have your ticket number. Then you can pick it up in Moscow, my friend told me they will have the spot to pick it up at the airport, so I'll be getting mine there.

Eden17Hazard17 7 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

@Gennady, what games are you going to?

I just realised how exciting it must be getting, for all the Russian based fans here on Footyroom.

Gennady 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United 285 3977

@Eden17Hazard17 Yeah man, it's pretty awesome. I just managed to get 2 tickets for now.

Costa Rica vs Switzerland

and Round of 16. - Winner Group B vs Runner Up Group A so should be Portugal/Spain vs Egypt/Russia

Getting world cup tickets is harder than I thought lol

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@Eden17Hazard17 Yeah man, it's pretty awesome. I just managed to get 2 tickets for now.

Costa Rica vs Switzerland

and Round of 16 Winner Group B vs Runner Up Group A so should be Portugal/Spain vs Egypt/Russia

Getting world cup tickets is harder than I thought lol

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

@Gennady I think its pretty crazy to get ticket to game you don't even know which team are gonna play. No suprise its tough to get though. Hope you get to see Russia life my friend. ;)

seangreenstone 7 years ago
Manchester United, Ireland 1 7

@tuan_jinn @Gennady Cheers, mates! I looked it up too. And I also found out that it actually gives very many advantages. Like, for instance, discounts in eateries! Could you guess?

Gennady 7 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

@seangreenstone Yeah mate, also free public transport :)

Eden17Hazard17 7 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232


That should be exciting :)

seangreenstone 7 years ago
Manchester United, Ireland 1 7

@gennady I also found out about their web yet to come. it will have all the notes upon the advantages of a fanId in it!

Yvan21 7 years ago
0 440

Have fun in Russia watching the games and please talk to some Russian women on my behalf :)

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

@Yvan21 You got a thing for Russian woman? I'm more into Asian and Australian myself. ;)

Yvan21 7 years ago Edited
0 440

@Emobot I thought everyone in the world had a thing for them :p Just women from the Slavic countries in general like Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, etc. And then there's that accent too :o Aren't there lots of people from Asian countries in Canada? At least South Asian there is I think

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@Emobot I thought everyone in the world had a thing for them :p Just women from the Slavic countries in general like Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic, etc. And then there's that accent too :o

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

@Yvan21 Well propably, but I wouldn't know, not exactly a lot of diversity where I live. :P And yeah, most people like Russian woman and while I got nothing against them myself, I'm definetly a bit more interested in Asian girls. :)

seangreenstone 7 years ago
Manchester United, Ireland 1 7

Does anyone know if I could enter Russia using my e-FanID? Cuz it looks the one doesn't make it on time

Gennady 7 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

@seangreenstone You probably can, but you need to print out the e-fanID and have some kind of proof that you bought the tickets, but don't take my word for it mate, I'd research the hell out of it first. Maybe try calling the Russian embassy in Dublin or where ever you are. Good luck!

seangreenstone 7 years ago
Manchester United, Ireland 1 7

Btw,mates they dropped a site with all the info upon the advantages of a fanID on it (like transport). It might be helpful

Gennady 7 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

@seangreenstone Thanks man! Very useful indeed

Croatian 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323

@Yvan, @Emo, as Croatian guy I can absolutely honestly tell that Slavic women/girls are gorgeous. Been in Czech Republic, Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and of course Croatia and every country left me stunned.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

@Croatian I have no doubt man. ;)

seangreenstone 7 years ago
Manchester United, Ireland 1 7

Update! Could you guess? you can travel to Belarus and to Russia visa-free. Just make sure you have your fanid with you