Germany got an easy group
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Germany got an easy group
England and Germany got relatively easy group imho that they should top without too much trouble. Watch out for Hungary though, exciting times for them.
France being stuck with Netherland once more though is propably not their dream group.
Heard good thing about Turkey but they will be tested in group with a good Czech team. Portugal should still top the group relatively easily.
Belgium will be interesting to see, final chance propably for some of the golden generation to leave a mark.
Also, I have to agree, Spain, Italy and Croatia being in the same group is already pretty much a group of death.
Serbia and Denmark are tricky games. England might disappoint.
Yes, I am sure about England.
So after yesterday games, we know the final form of the group stage for the euro and which teams are the last to join. Ukraine got a shot at reaching the knockout stage imho. Can't say the same about Georgia even though, they could slip in if they manage a results against Czechia. As for group D and Poland, I think this group is gonna be fire.
We all see group B as the group of death, but group D does look strong.
I know the recent matches have been friendlies, but England better step it up a bit if they want to win the Euros.
I'm heading to Germany to watch a game or two, then travel around a bit. Should be fun!
I am so excited for it.
Here are the groups for Euro 2024
Any thoughts? Which is the easiest and hardest groups? Any group of death?
In my opinion Spain, Italy, Croatia in one group is 🔥

Here are the groups for Euro 2024
Any thoughts? Which is the easiest and hardest groups? Any group of death?
In my opinion Spain, Italy, Croatia in one group is 🔥
Here are the groups for Euro 2024
Any thoughts? Which is the easiest and hardest groups? Any group of death?
In my opinion Spain, Italy, Croatia in one group is 🔥![enter image description here]1