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Euro 2012 Draw - Who Will Qualify?
Official 13 years ago
4 71

Here are the groups:

Group A
Russia - Greece - Czech Republic - Poland

Group B
Portugal - Germany - Netherlands - Denmark

Group C
Italy - Spain - Croatia - Republic of Ireland

Group D
England - France - Sweden - Ukraine

So the big question now is: Who will qualify from the groups? Here I've answered myself.

Group A: It will be Russia and Greece. Russia are clearly the strongest opponent in this group. I think Greece and Czech will fight hard for the qualification, but Greece will qualify 2nd. Poland are not strong enough, after qualifying as hosts.

Group B: Well, what can I say? Two words: Incredible and tragic. I had been looking forward to Portugal, Germany and the Netherlands were to meet in the semi-finals together with Spain or England as favorites. But then this happens. Difficult decision, but I have faith in my own favorite: Portugal and Germany are going to be number one and two. The Netherlands are just behind, while Denmark have done well, but it is unfortunately not enough in this "Group of Death"...

Group C: Not more to say than it is Spain and Italy who will float on in the competition. It will simply be to much for Modric and Keane's teams.

Group D: Here it is a little smoother than in group C, but England and France are lit. They want the trophy after the long defeats. Sweden is a good team, including the star Ibrahimovic, but it won't hold. Ukraine are also hosting the tournament, so they have went direct further and therefore I think, like Poland, that they are less prepared and yet do not have a crew with the same capacity as the other big teams.

Foootyroom 13 years ago

Agree with you except in Group A. I think Russia will continue, but the Czech Republic rather than Greece.

National 13 years ago

I agree too. Forca Portugal!

GunnerAFC 13 years ago
Arsenal, England 47 1026

Netherlands & Germany actually.

Official 13 years ago
4 71

@GunnerAFC : Can't you explain why you say like that? It's a little more fun with discussions. Feel free to give examples of players who can perform well, or reflect above the teams on the ones you mean.

bloodred1992 13 years ago
Manchester United, Portugal 15 300

@Official You know what I agree with everything you've posted. Everyone says that Germany and Netherlands will qualify from Group B and they simply rule Portugal out. But I seriously think Netherlands won't qualify, not from this group atleast.

Heisinburg 13 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

Why did you thumb GunnerAFC down? I think it's gonna be Germany and Netherlands too. Portugal does have good players, but Netherlands have better form.

Official 13 years ago
4 71

Portugal have probably the best individualists in the world. Examples are Ronaldo, Nani, Quaresma, Meireles, Pepe, Carvalho and Coentrão. But the problem in the Portuguese National Team is that they don't have a trainer they need. This could for sure be Mourinho or AVB.

Heisinburg 13 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

So your point is that due to that 'problem', Portugal won't stand a chance moving on to the next round? Do I sense contradictory?

Official 13 years ago
4 71

As mentioned, Portugal is one of the best football teams in the entire world. You elaborate yourself as it sounds like the coach is struggling greatly. Well, he does not. But a more impressive coach had not done anything. That's the problem. The players are so good that they can overcome anything. The coach has also received three stars, Carvalho, Bosingwa and Tiago, to leave the national team under his command.

Heisinburg 13 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

A more impressive coach? Paulo Bento is one great coach. He's is doing a fine job at the moment, with only having 2 losses and 9 wins. I want to hear what Foootyroom and National will think about this.

Official 13 years ago
4 71

Ok, based on what you are saying about Bento, why shouldn't they win the Euro then? When I say they have the best talents in the world, and you agree, and you say they have a great coach, why can't they win then from your perspectiv?

Dynastian98 13 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Because Portuguese players rely on their self-confidence to score and win. Just look at Ronaldo vs Barcelona. Nani, ROnaldo, Quaresma and the rest of the Portuguese players need to be in good form for Portugal to qualify. If they continuously get shut down by the Dutch and the Germans, they'll start taking shots for the hell of it. ON the other hand, the Netherlands and Germany aren't like that at all. They already have a set playing style and don't rely on their own self-confidence as much as Portuguese players do. And that is why the probable champions of this years group of death will be the Netherlands and Germany.

Heisinburg 13 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

I was just disagreeing with your points. You did say that Portugal "don't have the trainer they need" and "a more impressive coach had not done anything. This could for sure be Mourinho or AVB".

Wtf? Why would "this could sure be Mourinho or AVB"? Is it because they are both Portuguese and are currently managers of great clubs outside Portugal (R.M and Chelsea)? Wtf is wrong with their current coach, Paulo Bento? You should look at his record when he managed Sporting Lisbon; he's got good reputation. Paulo Bento, in my opinion, has a fresher mind with style of Portuguese football more than AVB and Mourinho since he never managed a club outside the country. Judging by his record with Portugal so far, it's 9 wins - 2 draws - 2 losses. This is pretty good for a guy who isn't as famous as Mourinho and AVB. So there is no problems at all with the current Portuguese team. Or maybe you're just assuming that there is because Thiago, Bosingwa and Carlvalho were excluded from the team, which is just a personal problem for you.

Now to answer your question:

Yeah, I did say they have "great players" and a "good coach". But this doesn't necessarily mean that they have a chance to the win Euro cup since there is of course Germany and Netherlands in the their group.

You never asked me why I think Netherlands and Germany will move on. Why can't they win? In my perspective, both nations have good coaches too. But in terms of players, the German and Dutch team have more talented and reliable players in their team. Their team-work is, in my opinion, much better than Portugal.

Portugal don't stand a chance again the mighty Germany and Netherlands. This is in my perspective, which I'm assuming is a lot of people's perspectives too in this site. Hope that answers your question.

Official 13 years ago
4 71

To the first man:

When was the last time Portugal's national team relied more on their own self-confidence than any other team? If you watched the match against Bosnia (something you probably didn't), Portugal played more as a team than it's certainly possible to do. They played effective one-touch football, consisting of much center fort and back, but they were offensive. They played beautiful.

And to the other man:

Yes, Mourinho and AVB were only examples of coaches who has considered setting up as a coach for the national team. These are also perfect to have because they're among the world's best, they're young, and they're both Portuguese. They know the Portuguese football, because they have grown up with it and followed it by years. Both have also coached Porto to the UEFA CL and UEFA Europe League victories. Paulo Bento is a good coach, which you also point out, but I don't rely entirely on his personality. It dislikes me that he has received three players not to play under him.

You say it's your own opinion that the Netherlands and Germany have more improved cooperation in their team than Portugal have. Well, that's not my opinion.

It was a bit unfair when you said that Portugal doesn't have a chance against the Netherlands and Germany, because the last time I checked the results ended 1-0 to Portugal against the Netherlands and 3-2 to Germany against Portugal.

Portugal have their days, and when the day comes, then they can even beat Spain 4-0 and dominate the match as they did for a little while ago. PS: Both Portugal and Spain had a full squad.

Now isn't it very concerning when you say that Portugal has no chance against the Netherlands and Germany then?

Heisinburg 13 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516


.....Like I said, this is MY PERSPECTIVE. How is it unfair for me to EXPRESS MY OPINION? Did I hurt your feelings? I'm sorry, I'll try and be a little nicer from now on....

Those statistics you've given me sure looks intimidating....I'm kidding; they're not at all.

Judging by your Bio/About in your profile, you must really love football by the way you metaphorically describe the word 'football' <3. Don't get me wrong, I do too. But you should know that those statistics you've given me aren't really making me feel "very concerned" at all. You're a football fan, but you failed to apply the basic principle that all football fans should know, Anything can happen in the game.

Portugal did well in the past, but there's a chance for them to SCREW UP BIG TIME in the Euro cup group stage, which also of course applies to both Germany and Netherlands as well. But since I'm on the Netherlands and German side, I'm urging your team to screw up even more, which once again in my opinion, they will ;)

Now isn't it very retarde-I mean....unwise for you to ask me whether or not if I'm "very concerned" about what I said before.

I'll say it one more time. Portugal don't stand a chance against mighty Germany and Netherlands.

Official 13 years ago
4 71

You didn't hurt my feelings, your unintelligent fungus. The only thing you do is to repeat the same shit over and over again.

What you say about that Portugal don't stand a chance against the Netherlands and Germany is also very stupid, because you said that anything can happen in football. The ball is round. Can't wait until the Euro!

Heisinburg 13 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516


Allow me to REPEAT what I just said before.

I said, "Portugal did well in the past, but there's a chance for them to screw up big time in the Euro cup group stage, WHICH ALSO APPLIES to both Germany and Netherlands as well" Meaning that something bad can happen to Germany and Netherlands AS WELL (remember? The principle of football).

You said that I repeat the same shit over and over again. I'm repeating it over and over again because you're asking me to. Maybe I'll say once more because you're to dumb to realise it by now, THIS IS MY PERSPECTIVE. You asked for my perspective, and I'm given you my perspective. But you keep criticising my opinion by asking whether it's "very concerning" for me to say that Portugal don't stand a chance against Netherlands and Germany (yes, I said it once more, because you asked for it).

LMAO, "unintelligent fungus". It's ironic because you haven't read my posts properly, nor even understood it.

But I'm gonna end my discussion with you here, since you don't even know what the word "perspective" means. You really are an Official Dumbass in my opinion.

Oh and one more thing:

People are giving their honest opinion to you. Why can't you accept that?
That's a rhetorical question so don't answer it to me. I hope you learnt a lesson and apply to it next time you post a forum asking for a people's perspectives.