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Ekaterinburg Arena special feature for the World Cup
Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

They needed to meet the FIFA requirements so they added a stand that is outside of the stadium frame.

enter image description here

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11485

As long as it respect security requirement, I'm all down for it, just hope they will make wall around it to make sure no one can fall. Would be terrrible if it happened. :U

liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

Wait how comes they have to do this?

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

and then it starts raining..

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11485

@Lio Its a world cup mate, lots of people will want to come, I doubt they were enough base seat to respect the minimum requirement. :U

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

Yea the capacity was less than 45000 I think.

raimondo90 7 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

This looks god awful. And its another reason why FIFA should only allow world cup bids if the nation already meets the minimum requirements. Countries like Russia and Qatar don't have the stadiums to host an event of this magnitude.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11485

@Raimondo Agreed, hopefully, they will still add a few modification. :(

liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

@emobot oh ok thanks!!

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11485

@lio No problem buddy. ;)