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EFL Cup is rebranded as “Carabao Cup” with the first round draw to take place in Bangkok
alferroa 7 years ago
Liverpool, Indonesia 63 178

enter image description here

The English League Cup (EFL Cup) will be re-branded as the Carabao and the first round draw will take place in Bangkok. Carabao is a Thai energy drink which also sponsors Chelsea and Reading.

70 teams from the Championship, League One and League Two will know each other’s opponent on Friday.

"The newly named Carabao Cup offers a significant opportunity for the Thai brand to engage with football fans via its association with one of the biggest football competitions in the country, and Carabao plans to bring this partnership to life at every opportunity for customers and consumers.”

Round one of the Carabao Cup will take place immediately after the season openers, with midweek slots on week commencing Monday, August 7. The 2018 final is scheduled for Sunday, February 25.

nigelpayne 7 years ago
Manchester United, England 15 484

Big move for Carabao as they are one of the less recognised energy drink brands.

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
540 11460

Aren't they the one who put their logo on the training kits of a few team? Like Chelsea for example. Impressive anyway.

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Aren't they the one who put their logo on the training kits of a few team? Like Chelsea for example.

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

still called Mickey Mouse cup

Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460

@quikzyyy Actually, made a research as for why it was called that. Found the answer to be pretty interesting. Here the link to the wikipedia article for those who are interested: Mickey Mouse Cup

nandaYNWA 7 years ago Edited
Liverpool, Australia 87 946

ohhhhhhhhh, makes sense why the first round was drawn in bangkok now #money

it amazes me that these brands are able to sponsor an entire league. do none of them see a contradiction? i guess its easy to overlook when ur pockets are full of money. sigh --> see dunkin' donuts sponsoring liverpool

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ohhhhhhhhh, makes sense why the first round was drawn in bangkok now #money

it amazes me that these brands are able to sponsor an entire league. do none of them see a contradiction? i guess its easy to overlook when ur pockets are full of money. sigh

nigelpayne 7 years ago
Manchester United, England 15 484

@emo thanks 4 the link

...and united end up winning the mickey mouse cup this season...what a coincidence... :D and were playing the super cup too

Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460

@nigel Irony of fate I guess. ;P Still not too bad though, haven't seen too many Liverpool fan coming back at you for that. ;)