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EAs fifa and lootboxes
_Pelle_ 6 years ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

During a recent UK parliament hearing EA called loot boxes for being a surprise mechanic, resembled them to kinder eggs and said that they have nothing to do with gambling.

After BBC reported that four kids had emptied their parents bank account in their pursuit to get Messi in Fifas ultimate team... people now question these mechanics and whether the age regulation is correct when set to ”from 3 years”.

What is your opinion on loot boxes, is it gambling?

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During a recent UK parliament hearing EA called lootboxes for being a surprise mechanic, resembled them to kinder eggs and said that they have nothing to do with gambling.

After BBC reported that four kids had emptied their parents bank account in their pursuit to get Messi in Fifas ultimate team... people now question these mechanics and whether the age regulation is correct when set to ”from 3 years”.

What is your opinion on lootboxes, is it gambling?

DarthFooty 6 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 39 1140

Unless you only get a loot box from achievement, then you are paying to get them. They are not a sure bet on what you get so you are gambling when paying real money, yet not getting what you hoped for each time.

Not a fan of microtransactions and pay to win mechanics, but companies know people will drop some cash to gain an advantage.

_Pelle_ 6 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

I'm personally not totally against microtransactions... as long as it doesnt result in a "pay to win" situation. I could pay for example for in game cosmetics. But paying for gaining advantages is like paying for cheat codes smh

Emobot7 6 years ago
543 11491

This is a very old technique to get your customer to cough more cash than they should. Only thing was that the people doing back in the day were people making trading card games and that it wasn't as easy as it is now on FIFA. The true problem lie with the fact that FIFA is an all age games and thats obviously, kid are gonna try to have the best team they can. So of course, they are going to try and get booster pack and stuff like that if it seem possible to do so. Some of them just doesn't realize that there is real money linked to the fact of buying those things. Which suck because there should added protection to make they don't bankrupt their parent from the start.

As for wether or not its gambling, of course it is. I mean, you pay some money to try and get a prize. That generally what gambler do.

Benchod 6 years ago
Barcelona 3 294

Fifa is a shitty rigged match fixed game anyways. Can't recall the amount of 2 goal or 3 goal leads I've had in fut champions and blew it away. Not to mention the scum bags who spam la croqueta or drag backs and think they're some sick player

quikzyyy 6 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

I'm personally not totally against microtransactions... as long as it doesnt result in a "pay to win" situation

well, fifa is actually pay to win so.

Fifa is a shitty rigged match fixed game anyways

yep, common fact, everything did on purpose to maximize buying fifa points.

_Pelle_ 6 years ago
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6930

@quikzyy: Agree and it is the main reason why I havent bought a single EA game since fifa 2016. Its a shame, because they used to make awesome games.

quikzyyy 6 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

yup, i'm reisting fifa since february 2018, so proud :D

Benchod 6 years ago
Barcelona 3 294

It's not just the packs that I'm complaining about it's the bloody gameplay which is what the damn game is supposed to be about not opening packs thats how shit the game is. The game play is so broken people spamming croqueta and drag backs , scoring fake goals that came from behind their body without the player even looking at the ball, 95 rated goalkeepers can't make a single save the donkeys ,players with 99 strength getting bullied by players with less strength. Fuck this game for good

quikzyyy 6 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

yep man, trust me, destroyed few controllers due to FUT magic comebacks after 2:0 leads

tuan_jinn 6 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Fifa is pay to win in its very own way, Fifa 2019 is the shitiest football game ever invented on a console and PC... seriously... none of the crap in the game play they introduced was decently done!

All are half way, illogical and frustration.

Their eco system, however is way too strong... People can't stop playing it. :( I can though, except most of my lame friends play that.