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Don't "close!" the good threads
tuan_jinn 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

It's reopened as you wish. You can give your thought as you want to

But no more personal attack please. (and it's 9 pages, or does my browser screw me up?)

FYI, we always do and did delete comments, gave warnings. On every thread or highlight

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It's reopened as you wish.

But no more personal attack please.

FYI, we always do and did delete comments, gave warnings. On every thread or highlight

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11488

@KTB The thing is, the thread is not such a good one, its mostly come to the point of people arguing wether or not Barca have cheated, if its okay to dive and stuff like that. But hey, if you like this kind of talk, its your preference. I much rather talk about the future of football, make prediction and learn new interesting stuff about football club and player myself. :P

Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

The thread was closed for a second time because we felt that everything regarding that particular topic has already been said. Further conversations would only be repetitive and lead to personal attacks. Sorry, fellas.

tuan_jinn 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@Joze: this is the second time you are accusing me. Other mod closed the thread!!! and it was discussed.

You were also banned by other mod, 2 weeks ago, also discussed. Remember, this site has a lot more mods than just me!

I hate internet bullies, @tiki is one of the few Spanish speaking fans who are in FR, most of the Spanish fans that I know of DO NOT go to English forum like FR and discuss, on the other sites they have entirely different kind of discussion.

The only time I feel like defending him because I felt the unfairness that you all came at him at the same time, especially EPL's member and member like you Joze. Other members voiced the same opinion as me too.

You are one of those who repeat and repeat the same incident over and over again, that's one of the reason why we mod wanted to close that thread to avoid personal conflict!

Since that thread was closed 2 similar threads were open and it all ended up in similar discussions, it's the matter of time before no other Barca's fan, Real's fan or Bayern fans will want to join the Forum.

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@Joze: this is the second time you are accusing me. Other mod closed the thread!!! and it was discussed.

You were also banned by other mod, 2 weeks ago, also discussed.

I hate internet bullies, @tiki is one of the few Spanish speaking fans who are in FR, most of the Spanish fans that I know of DO NOT go to English forum like FR and discuss, on the other sites they have entirely different kind of discussion. The only time I defend for him because I felt the unfairness that you all came at him at the same time, especially member like you Joze. Other members voiced the same too.

You are one of those who repeat and repeat the same incident over and over again, that's one of the reason why we mod wanted to close that thread to avoid personal conflict!

Since that thread was closed 2 similar threads were open and it all ended up in similar discussions, it's the matter of time before no other Barca's fan, Real's fan or Bayern fans will want to join the Forum.

@Joze: this is the second time you are accusing me. Other mod closed the thread!!! and it was discussed.

You were also banned by other mod, 2 weeks ago, also discussed. Remember, this site has a lot more mods than just me!

I hate internet bullies, @tiki is one of the few Spanish speaking fans who are in FR, most of the Spanish fans that I know of DO NOT go to English forum like FR and discuss, on the other sites they have entirely different kind of discussion. The only time I defend for him because I felt the unfairness that you all came at him at the same time, especially member like you Joze. Other members voiced the same too.

You are one of those who repeat and repeat the same incident over and over again, that's one of the reason why we mod wanted to close that thread to avoid personal conflict!

Since that thread was closed 2 similar threads were open and it all ended up in similar discussions, it's the matter of time before no other Barca's fan, Real's fan or Bayern fans will want to join the Forum.

@Joze: this is the second time you are accusing me. Other mod closed the thread!!! and it was discussed.

You were also banned by other mod, 2 weeks ago, also discussed. Remember, this site has a lot more mods than just me!

I hate internet bullies, @tiki is one of the few Spanish speaking fans who are in FR, most of the Spanish fans that I know of DO NOT go to English forum like FR and discuss, on the other sites they have entirely different kind of discussion. The only time I feel like defending him because I felt the unfairness that you all came at him at the same time, especially EPL's member and member like you Joze. Other members voiced the same opinion as me too.

You are one of those who repeat and repeat the same incident over and over again, that's one of the reason why we mod wanted to close that thread to avoid personal conflict!

Since that thread was closed 2 similar threads were open and it all ended up in similar discussions, it's the matter of time before no other Barca's fan, Real's fan or Bayern fans will want to join the Forum.

JozeMourinho 8 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

Bla bla bla. You are biased.

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

I wasn't even reading the thread, but if it actually got closed twice that's pretty cancer. I had a point, said it, briefly defended it and left. Once you have to start repeating yourself the whole thing just becomes a pissing contest.

JozeMourinho 8 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

Pretty much Sun sums it up.

Problem is when the majority disagree's with 1 specific person then its closed, I've seen others copy pasting answers with different order in words and the thread does not get closed.

tuan_jinn 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

What on earth are you talking about now, Joze?

@Sun just mentioned it had obviously became a pissing contest, which was normal to be closed. That's EXACTLY what the mods DID. And you complained about it, accused me for it.

Make up your mind wont' you?

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What on earth are you talking about now, Joze?

@Sun just mentioned it was obviously became a pissing contest, which is normal to be closed. That's EXACTLY what the mods DID. And you complained about it, accused me for it.

Make up your mind wont' you?

JozeMourinho 8 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

I am talking about what I see from my own point of view.

amir_keal 8 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

I also don't get why threads get closed. No points re opening them now, but threads like Everton Luiz and Alexis to Sevilla were removed because of me.

It's no fun seeing debates get closed for no reason, especially good football related ones.

Emrecan_58 8 years ago
Besiktas 149 3376

@amir_keal Everton Luiz thread was not removed because of you.

KTBFFHSWE 8 years ago
Chelsea FC, Sweden 52 2449

So I guess you guys are gonna close this thread now too because it's just a pissing contest* now really

Dynastian98 8 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Guys... It's really not that hard to avoid conflict. Of course some debates are bound to get heated because this is football. The PSG-Barca thread was one such example. Big games with controversy like that are bound to get heated because fans always have different points of view. But certain types of behavior should not be tolerated. We try our best to make sure everyone has their own freedom of speech, but when you start verbally harassing someone to prove a point, you start crossing a line.

A large majority of the time, forum threads are not closed because of verbal harassment, but rather because of provocations. It's easy to sit behind a screen and tease someone into an argument. Thread derailment is another reason why we close threads. This is literally written in the FootyRoom Community Rules (the first thread you'll always see on the forum!)....

Always stay on topic that the original post provided. If you have nothing to say about the current topic then don't post. Don't start or get involved in fights with users that lead to arguments of who knows more about this and that.

If threads start to get personal and derail from the topic at hand (where almost all the users involved in the discussion are harshly debating about something off-topic), we will close the thread!

The three rules that I see are broken most often on FootyRoom are Hate Speech and Verbal Attacks, Trolling, and Going Off Topic. If you wish to check up on what these rules contain, you can click on the FootyRoom Community Rules thread (the thread at the very top of the forum). If everyone abides by these rules 95% of the time, you guys wouldn't be so upset about the closing of certain threads.

tuan_jinn 8 years ago Edited
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

@KTB: No, you made a valid point on the other thread because you were late and wanted to participate with valueable input. Fair enough. But after that it seems going back again. As you could see, most users eho participated in the original discussion already stopped. It went on between only a couple of members bashing at each other.
@Dynastian said it all. Beside, mods have enough job to do with all the trolls in the highlights, so plz do help us.

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No, you made a very valid point on the other thread because you were late and wanted to participate with valueable input. But after that it seems going back again. As you could see, most users eho participated in the original discussion already stopped. It went on between only a couple of members bashing at each other.

And, again. Mods have enough job to do with all the trolls in the highlights.

@KTB: No, you made a valid point on the other thread because you were late and wanted to participate with valueable input. Fair enough. But after that it seems going back again. As you could see, most users eho participated in the original discussion already stopped. It went on between only a couple of members bashing at each other.

And, again. Mods have enough job to do with all the trolls in the highlights.