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KhaledAzizJr 9 years ago
Manchester United, Italy 40 610

I've been reading this all over the Internet. Is it true, guys?

JozeMourinho 9 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

He already posted a goodbye message I think on social media so it is pretty much done

Emobot7 9 years ago
543 11489

Its 90% sure that he won't play at Barca next year. His destination is not certain but its very likely that he will go to Juventus. I heard that PSG was interested but I think they are too late, it seem like he and Juve already are advanced in their negociation. Waiting for more info in the next few days.

Arsenal_infinite 9 years ago
Arsenal, England 3 27

I heard barca are looking at bellerin to replace alves. Hope now he's our future star.

_Gonzi_ 9 years ago
Juventus, Argentina 2 2102


I swear Barca said that they have Aleix Vidal and Sergi Roberto for that position, so they won't be looking for anyone.

SunFlash 9 years ago
USA 19 3260

For right back? Vidal is a winger and Roberto is an attacking central midfielder...

Emobot7 9 years ago Edited
543 11489

@Gonzi Strange, I also heard they were interested in Bellerin. But I agree that Vidal and Roberto are pretty good and could most likely replace Alves at his position. Beside, if he is not gonna replace Alves, what was the point of hiring Vidal in the first place? Seem a bit stupid to me, more so when you consider he is a very good player. I could see them trying to add more debt in that position though.

Edit after seeing Sunflash comment: Well crap, forget what I said. :p

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@Gonzi Strange, I also heard they were interested in Bellerin. But I agree that Vidal and Roberto are pretty good and could most likely replace Alves at his position. Beside, if he is not gonna replace Alves, what was the point of hiring Vidal in the first place? Seem a bit stupid to me, more so when you consider he is a very good player. I could see them trying to add more debt in that position though.

@Gonzi Strange, I also heard they were interested in Bellerin. But I agree that Vidal and Roberto are pretty good and could most likely replace Alves at his position. Beside, if he is not gonna replace Alves, what was the point of hiring Vidal in the first place? Seem a bit stupid to me, more so when you consider he is a very good player. I could see them trying to add more debt in that position though.

Edit after seeing Sunflash comment: Well shit, forget what I said. :p

liomessi10 9 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

I dont want eleix vidal. Never wanted him in first place he is a rightmid not right back. And sadly barca did say there is roberto and vidal for that position but they are nowhere near to being starters.

Tuanis 9 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

Vidal is a great replacement but I think Barcelona for some weird reason are not taking him into consideration for next season..

Considering Lichtainer is wanted at Chelsea then this could really happen. Juventus racking up old wingers...

Bellerin to Barcelona maybe?

Emobot7 9 years ago Edited
543 11489

@Tuanis Really hard to say for now, will have to wait but I'm pretty sure Arsenal are not gonna leave Bellerin go cheaply (or at all).

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@Tuanis Really hard to say for now, will have to wait but I'm pretty sure Arsenal are not gonna leave Bellerin go cheaply.