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Change in FootyRoom regarding threads
Dynastian98 13 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

I'm sure many people will agree on this, I'm requesting that FootyRoom make it possible for the original creators of threads to have the power to delete or hide certain comments in their thread. The reason I say hide is that some people have the tendency to post something retarded and not acknowledge the comments of those that disagree with him/her. So, say CR7Skillz posts something about Barcelona sucking balls, and a Barcelona fan responds angrily, but logically, to our friend CR. If CR had the ability to delete it, no one would be able to see the Barca fan's logic, but if he only had the ability to hide it, anyone could click "show comment" and see what the comment was that CR hid. If the comment was bad, no one would care, but if it was useful and logical, people would know that CR was just hiding his shame. It seems much more logical and fair than just deleting any comment that the user feels is opposing his opinion. I don't know how long this might take FootyRoom to make, or if they make it at all, but all I'm saying is that as long as you know that certain members in FootyRoom would really appreciate it if you took my/our request into consideration! Thanks FootyRoom! This site is amazing anyhow!

Tuanis 13 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

Your suggestion is valid but I havn't seen any forums in the internet where the one who creates it can manipulate what's in it. That is a job for the Mods ans FR to do. It would be a caos to let the one who creates the thread take control on who can comment and what can be said. It goes against FR's freedom of speech policy. Think about it, there are going to be users who delete comments for no reason probably just because they disagree with it or any other weird reason. Bad and useless or rude comments are constantly being removed from many threads but to give that right to the thread creator would create a lot of trouble within the forum. I hope FR considers this proposition because it is interesting to see how a forum would behave with this changes but I don't see anything good coming out from this suggestion. If you want to hide comments then the best FR could do should be hide comments disliked by the majority just as it is in the highlights section, where a comment with 10 thumbs down would be hidden with the option to show it.

Dynastian98 13 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

That's logical, but we users are limited to 4 thumbs button uses per day. I haven't seen anyone get a -10 thumbs down since this law has been applied.

Navigatorfc 13 years ago
FC Porto, Brazil 18 87

I kind of agree, but i think it would be great if we could edit only our title and what we wrote in the original thread. The thing about editing others posts in your thread may be a bit to much