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Can France win Euro 2012?
Azandre_69 13 years ago
Chelsea, France 9 114

This time France have a rejuvenated team with Laurent Blanc as the coach who has put some life to les bleus since the dissapointing performance in the world cup 2010. I think we have a chance of winning Euro with a fair group of Ukraine, England and Sweden. What do you think?

Tuanis 13 years ago
Manchester United, England 87 2311

France would probably wound go trough quarter finals... probably when this rejuvenated team grows up a little and gets ussed to playing as a team they can have a shot at winning the euro...

bloodred1992 13 years ago
Manchester United, Portugal 15 300

Don't think so. The link up play between French players is not comparable to teams like Germany, Spain and Portugal. France does not have the best defence as well so its going to be tough for them.

Manshitty_are_shit 13 years ago
Manchester United, England 14 997

If France wins. I will wear a England Jersy

keith28120 13 years ago
Chelsea, Ireland 60 177

No way

CR7skillz 13 years ago
Real Madrid, Iraq 22 329

Don't think so...
