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BREAKING! Nemanja Matic signs for Manchester United! :)
DarioUtd 7 years ago
Manchester United 27 493

Manchester United have completed the signing of Nemanja Matic from Chelsea for £40m on a three-year deal.

enter image description here

The midfielder, 28, becomes United's third summer buy after £31m defender Victor Lindelof from Benfica and £75m striker Romelu Lukaku from Everton.
United manager Jose Mourinho described Matic as a "team player" who has "everything we want in a footballer; loyalty, consistency, ambition".
Matic said he was "delighted" to be joining at "an exciting time".
The Serbia midfielder added: "To work with Jose Mourinho once again was an opportunity I couldn't turn down.
"I have enjoyed my time at Chelsea and would like to thank the club and the fans for their support. I cannot wait to meet my new team-mates and to start training with them."

Personally i think this is a great signing, as it will unleash Paul Pogba and give him much more freedom up-front. While Herrera and Matic will probably sit back and help the defense. (And park the bus even more! Lol!) ;)

What are your thoughts on this? :)

Golazo111 7 years ago
Chelsea, Mexico 70 2607

I think at one moment Matic was actually telling Pogba something like "go go in front I'm behind you dont worry" lol...Pogba can finally unleash the beast he was in Juventus.

tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912


Pogba was literally played on the left wing today and neither of them left much great impression yet.

But I do feel safe with Matic indeed

Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460

@Tuan Great defensive midfielder, he is the perfect fit for a manager like Mou who like to be solid defensively everywhere on the field. :)

iHEARTfootball 7 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

Didn't say a word about this transfer ever since it happened (obviously I'm very stoked about it), but that was a cracker of a debut match for Matic. Guy was playing like he's been part of the squad for many years. Truly a good signing in my eyes. Glad we didn't go for the likes of Fabinho, who isn't even PL proven, and knowing the circumstances we're currently in, Matic was the better option.

amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895


Fellaini was a panic buy by a manager who was biased towards him and didn't realize that a slow midfield destroyer wouldn't work in a side that was built on fast counters. God I miss Moyes, said no one ever.

Well yes, but when the opposition doesn't allow it, he is really useful, but no one sees that. Even in the EL final he was getting hate, even though he got more dual wins than whole of Ajax.

Besides, if we're being honest, the last four years have been United trying to get its sh*t together.

And that stage will continue forever. You failed with RVP, Di Maria and Falcao. You failed with Ibra and Pogba. Why shall I think you wont fail with Matic and Lukaku? Year in year out United will keep spending for no reason, that's what United have become, and you should accept that, whether you like it or not.

EPL is ours. Always has been, always will be.

Times have changed, you can say has been, but not will be. How many EPL have you won since SAF was here? 0

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260

And that stage will continue forever. You failed with RVP, Di Maria and Falcao. You failed with Ibra and Pogba. Why shall I think you wont fail with Matic and Lukaku? Year in year out United will keep spending for no reason, that's what United have become, and you should accept that, whether you like it or not.

It amuses me that you honestly think that.

nigelpayne 7 years ago
Manchester United, England 15 484

@amir you do know ibra was a free agent? we only had to pay his wage so wouldn't say we failed there...and quite how you think pogba was a failure i just can't fathom...maybe your just trolling man u?!?!?

amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895


Well it's the truth from recent years isn't it.


For Ibra standards, he was ruined. He scored over 30 goals the season before, and now Alli scored more. A world record signing is expected to make an impact almost every game, not once every five games.

nigelpayne 7 years ago
Manchester United, England 15 484

@amir pogba made an impact almost every game he played...u don't have to score to make an impact u know

admittedly ibra was down on the goal side but he was injured for ages and its the premier league, his first time in the premier league and premier league is one of the hardest leagues...also the critics didn't expect much from him at in that sense he exceeded or at least met expectations

but your point was how much united spend to get nowhere so that kinda counts ibra out anyway as i said!

Marcus2011 7 years ago
Chelsea FC, England 277 6501


Are you still not favoring Matic?

Emobot7 7 years ago
540 11460

@Marcus He will, might take him a few more game just to be sure but he is gonna be glad Mou got him. ;)

tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

I am glad we have got him now,

I thought it was expensive (still is), but looking at the current market values (completed facked), then 40mil seem like 10mil of 2 years ago.... THANKS A LOT OILLLLLL ASSSSSSS

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260

Are you still not favoring Matic?

He is not what I expected. I expected the CDM I saw at Chelsea, who didn't move that well, didn't connect long passes, and tackled only within his personal sphere of influence. I got...much more than that.

@Marcus He will, might take him a few more game just to be sure but he is gonna be glad Mou got him. ;)

I've got early season optimism, which my pessimism is telling me will be crushed a few games from now.

Emobot7 7 years ago Edited
540 11460


I've got early season optimism


which my pessimism is telling me will be crushed a few games from now.

Oh damn! XD

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I've got early season optimism


which my pessimism is telling me will be crushed a few games from now.

Oh damn!