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Best English player in the next 5 years?
Emobot7 2 years ago
543 11491

So, recently, there been a crop of really talented English players but I was wondering, which one do you think is gonna have the best overall careers when we look back on their achievement 5 years from now?

This is a prediction thread so no vague answer with comments about having to wait and see how they do in the future, just pick one, come on. ;P

Footy_watch 2 years ago
Arsenal, Brazil 28 1930

I would've thought Bellingham before this season but Saka has continued improving a lot each season.

Emobot7 2 years ago
543 11491

@Footy_watch Surely its between them in term of individual talent, right?

I mean, in term of trophy and of title, you could enter Foden in the conversation because obviously he already won a lot with City and propably he is going to win more.

I also expect Rashford to get very respectable stat for Manchester United through his career.

But other than that, I really think Saka and Bellingham offer the most assurance in the long term.

The only question mark I have is Rice, because we never seen him play in a top English side but I don't really expect more from him than what we actually seen for West Ham and England.