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Beşiktaş player Gökhan Töre got shot in the shoulder
Emrecan_58 11 years ago Edited
Besiktas 149 3376

They are ok right now. 5 person suffered from this in a night club in Istanbul. Some guy tried to kill his girlfriend after an arguement and shot randomly. Kayserispor player Taner Yalçın also got shot.

And Podolski sent this to his facebook account

Get well soon Gökhan...

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Dephased 11 years ago
Arsenal, United States 12 501

Wish Gokhan the best but bloody hell Istanbul is Eurasia's answer to Texas.

Emrecan_58 11 years ago
Besiktas 149 3376

İstanbul is not that bad place man, It's one of the best touristic places :D But Some shitty People with their reactionary minds. That's why we are against the goverment. This goverment supports them and wants to have Islamic Law like Iran. But that will never happen till we die :)

Iraqi_Madridista 11 years ago
Real Madrid 33 1388

Turkish people do not want Islam. They call them selfs muslims but they dont want Islam :D Erdogan also supports the Kurds thats the main reason why you hate him :p

Emrecan_58 11 years ago
Besiktas 149 3376

Yeah that's one of my reasons, there are many reasons why I hate him; his police killed 7 people for protesting the goverment and one of them was 14 years old and He said "I told the police" They stole votes, did corruption etc.
I'm a Muslim but I don't want this goverment or Islamic law, they want Islamic law because they will put all their family to goverments best places btw they are not Muslim. Erdoğan's biggest party member and member of parliament made fun of Kuran and Erdoğan suppoted him.

Zakzook 11 years ago
Arsenal, Syria 32 785

^ he still brought your country from under 0 to what it is now. You're lucky to have him it could be so much worse.

Emrecan_58 11 years ago Edited
Besiktas 149 3376

^ You are from Syria I guess. Did you know Erdoğan's men (secret service of Turkey) tried to attack Turkey from Syria to start a war between these two countries.

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Zakzook 11 years ago
Arsenal, Syria 32 785

^ doesn't change my stance about him. I love Turkey and I've went there since the war started in Syria. The land is very similar to ours and surprisingly so is the culture. Syria right now is in a very bad spot and I wouldn't even mind if Turkey annexes Syria to itself, at a second thought, take Lebanon too.

Emrecan_58 11 years ago Edited
Besiktas 149 3376

Anyway let's close this arguement guys :D Why is these political talks always happening with me? I guess that's my fault :D

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Anyway let's close this arguement guys :D Why is political talks always happening to me? I guess that's my fault :D

Zakzook 11 years ago
Arsenal, Syria 32 785

Eh, Emrecan, okay. But if you want to continue this argument I assure I have time to do so. I would like to know the view from Turkey... But not on this forum

Zakzook 11 years ago
Arsenal, Syria 32 785

Add me on skype or something.. but I don't know how to give you that privately without the possibility of getting DDOSED by trolls :S

Dephased 11 years ago
Arsenal, United States 12 501

@Emrecan Great to see fellow muslims who don't support Islamic sharia. When i was in college there was way to many lunatics who supported it.