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Arsene the Legend
Heisinburg 11 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

what a profit! However, that still doesn't consider him a legend if hasn't won anything for the last 7 years...

PuppetMaster 11 years ago
England 15 331

" However, that still doesn't consider him a legend if hasn't won anything for the last 7 years..."

seriously hei? remember the invisible team in epl? just because he didnt win anything in the last 7-8 years doesnt mean he is not a legendary coach/manager. 

Heisinburg 11 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

Okay, I take that back. Wenger is a legend, but his reputation as one is falling if he keeps letting Gervinho play *smh*

ramaboy10 11 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

Good profit, but where does it go? Nowhere.