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Arsene signs a new two year contract
iHEARTfootball 7 years ago Edited
Manchester United 38 1000


"We believe that Arsene Wenger has the support of the Arsenal board and, perhaps significantly, the support of majority shareholder Stan Kroenke."

That pretty much says it all. No mentioning of fans nor anything closely related to the main supporters. It's clear that this Kroenke fella isn't going to give up his position. There's going to be a riot happening at the Emirates.

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"We believe that Arsene Wenger has the support of the Arsenal board and, perhaps significantly, the support of majority shareholder Stan Kroenke."

That pretty much says it all. No mentioning of fans nor anything closely related to the main supporters. It's clear that this Kroenke fella isn't going to give up his position. There's going to be a riot happening at Etihad, just you wait.

"We believe that Arsene Wenger has the support of the Arsenal board and, perhaps significantly, the support of majority shareholder Stan Kroenke."

That pretty much says it all. No mentioning of fans nor anything closely related to the main supporters. It's clear that this Kroenke fella isn't going to give up his position. There's going to be a riot happening at the Emirates.

SoccerBoss 7 years ago
Barcelona, Russia 34 804

Arsenal fans, I recommend some tequila for this moment.

chelsea8 7 years ago
Chelsea, Iran 17 2219

Wenger in!

OnceABlueAlwaysABlue 7 years ago
Chelsea, England 5 211

I fear for his life if he has a bad season next season! :D

amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895


1886 - 2006

iHEARTfootball 7 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

More entertainment at ArsenalFanTV

Emrecan_58 7 years ago
Besiktas 149 3375

Have to feel for Arsenal fans.

Dynastian98 7 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140

Lol, I feel so bad for the Arsenal fans. While their opponents are re-building and gaining momentum, Arsenal and Wenger are just going to stay static and keep being shoved further and further down the table as the likes of Liverpool, Chelsea, Tottenham, and the Manchester clubs move up.

Alfie_george 7 years ago
Liverpool, England 0 12

Wenger needs to spend those £150m if he wants to get anything out of the season. He needs to do well in the Europa League, win it, get a European trophy under his name, finish at least third and then rebuild again with the Champions League and go all out for the title. Arsenal fans have no choice but to support him or else the season could end worse than this.

legends16 7 years ago
Chelsea, England 39 783

If I were an Aresnal fan I'd be thinking - can we impeach him?

Of course, huge credit to all he has done for the club and many people forget his achievements. BUT. Time for change. Change is natural and must happen.

tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Unless he realizes he needs to change... I love it :D.

With all due respect, it would be weird to see Arsenal without him, it would be sad. But right now, I wouldnt be happy if I were a thirsty Arsenal

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

he could have left with a trophy, but as soon as there is Kroenke in baord, it doesn't matter.

amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895

People in random basketball ball matches are holding Wenger Out banners, Youtube top comments are Wenger Out, even though it has nothing to do with the game. There are world protests and people are holding Wenger Out banners for the fun of it. He's asking for suicide. The lack of respect towards the Arsenal fans is a disgrace.


huge credit to all he has done for the club

Yeah, that's for Tottenham. Not only did he allow them to finish above us, but it was by over 10 points. Chelsea finished 18 points ahead of us, and this guy wants to stay.

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9003

finished above Wenger after 21 years of trying, and didn't win anything while we got FA Cup on their new ground, man I'm not a Wenger lover but you're over the line..

JozeMourinho 7 years ago
Chelsea, Greece 18 1254

@amir_keal Your opinion is disturbing. Grow some respect for someone who dedicated the last years of his life to your club. I am pretty sure Arsene's Arsenal made you a fan.

amir_keal 7 years ago
Arsenal, Netherlands 66 2895


Perhaps so, but I can't stand Wenger claiming to have "unfinished business"... Put it this way. You were managing and in serious situations people were holding banners of your name to make fun of how bad your managing was. Do you stay or leave?


I am pretty sure Arsene's Arsenal made you a fan

Yes, but that Arsene and this Arsene are two different people.

DarthFooty 7 years ago
Queens Park Rangers, United States 37 1128

Hard to supplant someone of his status. Sure the Gunners have not won league after league, but they have been a constant power in the global game. Respect to Wenger for his longevity and for the most part an attractive style of play, as well as, his contributions to youth football.

I do worry how they think they will move "Forward" considering the team needs to resign Sanchez and Ozil, all while looking to add to the existing roster.

Might be a frustrating next season, might be when they put it all together.

Abo_Zogom 7 years ago
Arsenal 0 240

RIP Arsenal.

nandaYNWA 7 years ago
Liverpool, Australia 87 946


tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Wenger said he can take Arsenal to the next level and aim for the EPL title.

Now take note, he might actually mean that this year.