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Arsenal won a trophy!
ArgjentD 5 years ago
Juventus, Kosovo 6 155

Well guys, maybe you won't believe this but Arsenal just won a trophy today. They beat Chelsea with the help of referees ofc. What do you think about this? Do we need to prepare ourselves for a big disaster after this? I'm kinda scared tbh

Ledley 5 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

Aubameyang, what a player.

iHEARTfootball 5 years ago
Manchester United 38 1000

Give credit where it's due. Congrats Gunners. Despite the shitty season you've had, this win brings hope for the next season to come. Enjoy the moment.

quikzyyy 5 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

imagine having the worst season in 20+ years, winning the oldest cup competition in the world, beating City in semis and Chelsea in the final and yet you dig on us, are you Spurs fan in disguise? have a nice weeeeeeeekend lads

Emobot7 5 years ago
543 11491

Congrats on the win quikzyyy, it was deserved even though nearly everything that could go wrong went wrong for Chelsea. That doesn't take away from the fact that Arsenal played well in that final and they were rewarded for it. Congrats again and enjoy it. :D

Ledley 5 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

Get in your Aubamabludcart. Quikzy. Respect for Arsenal for beating two big clubs as the underdog.

Oh and look who showed up to Arsenal today:

enter image description here

Emobot7 5 years ago
543 11491

Seeing a front 3 composed of Willian, Aubameyang and Lacazette would be class to be honest.

meteor88 5 years ago
Barcelona, Indonesia 0 1

i think arsenal can win more trophy this season.

quikzyyy 5 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

how man referees helped us this time @ArgjentD?
enter image description here

ArgjentD 5 years ago
Juventus, Kosovo 6 155

Another undeserved trophy for Arsenal.

quikzyyy 5 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

ayyyyyyyenter image description here

Emobot7 5 years ago
543 11491

Another undeserved trophy for Arsenal.

Rubbish. They were no less deserving of that trophy than Liverpool. I don't understand the hate some Juventus supporter seem to have against Arsenal.