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Eden17Hazard17 8 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

Footyroom, recently I've seen that I can't watch videos unless I disable Adblocker.

That's really not going to happen...

Is this permanent, temporary, or am I the only one.


tuan_jinn 8 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

I know it's annoying :( Let's see what's we can do about that. But please mind, sometimes ads keeps free sites alive too

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

Please, keep in mind that this site will lose a significant amount of traffic if disabling adblock is required. Plenty of people don't use it, so the site will still generate ad revenue.

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
543 11485

In my case, its a bit weird, I got adblock desactivated but somehow, I don't see no ad. I think I broken the site... hehe... :'p

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In my case, its a bit weird, I got adblock desactivated but somehow, I don't see no ad. I think I broken the site... hehe...

porkey 8 years ago
Liverpool, Trinidad and Tobago 9 85

hope its temporary

Gennady 8 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

How do you guys expect business like these to run? You're getting all of this content for FREE! why block the ads? People who are using ad blocker are just assholes, seriously ....

rayrex7 8 years ago
Real Madrid, Croatia 26 797

Just skip 20 seconds and continue the video. These guys are doing their best to keep the site working. Plus its FREE. I don't think we should complain, its not like the 20 seconds could have be used any better.

quikzyyy 8 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

People who are using ad blocker are just assholes

Okay, we are all assholes, nice way of solving it.

Gennady 8 years ago
Manchester United 285 3977

@quikzyyy just drop the ad block and it will solve everything ...

ramaboy10 8 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

Just disable it on FR lol

Emobot7 8 years ago Edited
543 11485

@Gennady You're a mod and your calling nearly all of the member on the forum asshole? Smooth, nice way to show the good example. :p

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@Gennady Your a mod and your calling nearly all of the member of the forum asshole? Smooth, nice way to show the good exemple. :p

@Gennady You're a mod and your calling nearly all of the member of the forum asshole? Smooth, nice way to show the good exemple. :p

@Gennady You're a mod and your calling nearly all of the member on the forum asshole? Smooth, nice way to show the good exemple. :p

mladen 8 years ago
Manchester United, Yugoslavia 253 2319

"People who are using ad blocker are just assholes" so immature comment by old member! Anyway, there is compromise . People don't need to disable Addblock ,but can allow adds for FR . That's all.

p.s. there is more sites with latest highlights,full matches etc ,so calm down. I really like FR,but no need to be diick.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11485

@mladen Exactly. +1

Jimbet 8 years ago
Arsenal, Malaysia 12 1292

im no asshole.. im not using adblocker.. im using ublock origin.. huehuehue :D

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260

This article pretty much sums up my opinion on this topic. I couldn't care less about the aesthetics of ads themselves. But I had to hardwipe my first laptop due to an infection I got from an ad that I didn't even click on. I don't play around at all anymore, if you ask me to turn off adblock, I'm not using your site.

I'll turn off my adblock when ads stop trying to infect me. Footyroom is the best highlights site on the internet I've found, but don't think for a second I'll stick around if disabling adblock becomes the norm.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11485

@Sun Please, at least, remain on the forum to keep enlighten us with your incredible intellect. Your the first user who answered one of my post, I would miss you terribly sunflash... :(

SunFlash 8 years ago Edited
USA 19 3260

Stop, please Emo, my ego is too big already.

In all seriousness though, appreciate that. Even if I stop using the highlights, I'll probably still use the forum, they can't get rid of me that easily. that and I kind of like most of you

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Stop, please Emo, my ego is too big already.

In all seriousness though, appreciate that. Even if I stop using the highlights, I'll probably still use the forum, they can't get rid of me that easily. that and I kind of like some of you

raimondo90 8 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

Seriously? Whining about ads? YouTube has ads, do you all stop using that as well? It's revenue for the company and if you can't support a company by giving 10-30 seconds of your time then that's pretty sad. Ads keep the site free. Revenue has to come in one way or another.

SunFlash 8 years ago
USA 19 3260


No, YouTube doesn't have ads, not for me, I use adblocker!

Like I said, if ads didn't try to kill my computer, I wouldn't care. If the FootyRoom admin came out and said look I am accepting ads from (insert company name here) that is totally on the up and up and never hurt anyone, then I wouldn't care. But most sites, even the most reputable ones, just take ads from whoever pays best.

Also, this is a pain:

Drbutterface 8 years ago Edited
Roma, Italy 2 522

Quote just drop the ad block and it will solve everything ...

This is plain false.

I've been running FR without adblock for over half a year now, and I'm having only stuttering videos that take half a minute to load. Feels like 1998 and is not cool. As a true businessman you should take responsibility and get your stuff sorted, instead of acting the way you're doing. You want to make money, you've got to provide. Your customers don't owe you anything.

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Quote just drop the ad block and it will solve everything ...

This is false.

I've been running FR without adblock for over half a year now, and I'm having only stuttering videos that take half a minute to load. Feels like 1998 and is not cool. As a true businessman you should take responsibility and get your stuff sorted, instead of acting the way you're doing. You want to make money, you've got to provide. Your customers don't owe you anything.

Emobot7 8 years ago
543 11485

@Sunflash Ah, sweet. ;) Also, that gif made me laugh. :p

Discussion Closed