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acts of vandalism in France after worldcup 2018
scorpy 7 years ago
Arsenal, France 5 11

Yesterday, after France won the worldcup for the second time of its history, people went to streets to celebrate the victory.
Nevertheless, some gangters seized the occasion to steal some shops and many acts of vandalism took place.
The media of course did want to show images. yet, this video shows you some painful images about what REALLY happened.

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11487

Dude, at least don't spam, you already made a thread exactly like this one before with just a different title.

scorpy 7 years ago
Arsenal, France 5 11

sorry for that.. I thought it was not published!
thanks a lot

Ledley 7 years ago
Celtic, Australia 46 1310

It's expected after such a big event regardless of who wins that some <1% will try and ruin it for the 99% who are just having fun.

scorpy 7 years ago
Arsenal, France 5 11

I totally agree with you.
What happened was montruous . Yet, TVs tried to avoid showing such images. There are horribles videos that I didn't want to show. There were even dead people who drowned in the river....

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11487

@scorpy Its fine, just try not to do it again please. Also, would be nice if you were active on the forum not just to promote your channel but to discuss with other user as well.

@Ledley Indeed. Not good news but not entirely suprising either.

scorpy 7 years ago
Arsenal, France 5 11

@embot7 : I will. I am just new here. I don't know how it works. But dont worry I will take part in the other discussions. thanks :)

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11487

@scorpy Good to hear. All the best mate. :D

tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Damn, well I have been to France and Paris alot, im not really surprise with such a crowd and such an occassion, things got really out of hand sometimes there and the beautiful Paris has lots of mess lately.

Yep, join the ussion mate. Welcome

_Pelle_ 7 years ago Edited
Paris Saint-Germain 158 6929

This exists everywhere, it's sad, but it's not a typical French thing. But since there was footage maybe they can identify some and punish them severely, to state as an example

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This exists everywhere, it's not a typical French thing. But since there was footage maybe they can identify some and punish them severely, to state as an example

liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

Apparently the account linked with the video had been terminated on youtube🤣🤣🤣

Wondet what else this guy's been up to elsewhere!!