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A Trip down Memory Lane
Eden17Hazard17 7 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

Following the reflective trend, I took a trip down memory lane and remembered that no one wanted to talk with me......

enter image description here

enter image description here

Nahhh it's all good, I love you all.

liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

Mine are cringey af wanna delete them!! But mostly got at least 10 replies.

liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

Thats alot of views btw!! Amount of people who ignored them!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

My second thread was abiut diego costa to chelsea. Got 65 replies and not broken that record since!

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

Lol, don't worry mate, just happen you made some of those thread when they were less activity on the forum. Heck, this kind of stuff happen even to me. Everyone like you on this forum, trusth me. ;)

Croatian 7 years ago
Bayern Munich, Croatia 23 1323

What, lmao. Honestly from 300+ views I find it really odd no one responded tbh. Maybe guest views were counted, and guests aren't allowed on forums? Idk.

SunFlash 7 years ago
USA 19 3260

Mine usually inspire huge arguments that lead to people hating one another. So...not sure if that's better. Certainly doesn't help in the friend department.

Yvan21 7 years ago
0 440

Chelsea was going to sign Auba for 6M? what the heck :o

Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1018

@sunflash then they must be great posts!

Golefty 7 years ago
Toronto FC 27 1018

@chelsea those look like some nice posts - can you imagine in chelsea had picked up aubemayang? would he be warming the bench next to bayshuiyi

quikzyyy 7 years ago
Arsenal 429 9010

Don't worry mate, I got you. (but what the hell is that "best fifa awards 2017" doing there? I fucking swear it had some comments..
enter image description here

Eden17Hazard17 7 years ago
Chelsea FC 157 4232

-1 comments??? How?

tuan_jinn 7 years ago
Manchester United, Netherlands 198 6912

Ahhh a lot of these old threads were migrated, the view count or comment count got calculated wrongly. No hard feeling mate, we still love you!

liomessi10 7 years ago
Barcelona, Argentina 222 3053

@quickzyy lol 0 views and -1 comments!!

Emobot7 7 years ago
543 11488

@quikzyyy Lol, that weird. XD

Didn't I told you you were in the Matrix before. :U