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0 EPL teams in the CL
tdot2barca 12 years ago
Assyriska FF, Brazil 35 956

0 English teams in the quarter finals for the first time since 95/96 season, while there are three Spanish teams left.

I think yeah like Madrid got really lucky, but every team who progresses or wins the CL usually has that bit of extreme luck. Or Malaga also getting lucky in the first leg because Porto could not finish properly.. but still that's not Malaga's problem.

What do you guys think?

ramaboy10 12 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

so many long posts xD

MRarsenal500 12 years ago
Arsenal, England 59 741

@ sterndessuedents yea i know bayern were missing key players like ribery and schweinsteiger but same thing for us we had no szczesny, wilshere, sagna, vermaelen and wilshere and them players are important ( for us )

20ROBINVANPERSIE 12 years ago
Manchester United, England 26 349

refs hate english clubs.

nuff said

Dynastian98 12 years ago
Real Madrid 483 7140


Coming from the guy whose team gets sucked up to by refs almost every home game.

knibis 12 years ago
Valencia, Sweden 181 2500

Look at the bright side. 3 Spanish teams left in CL:)
Deserved i think. Its a shame Valencia couldnt join them...   :(

Luck? what was chelsea last year then. Napoli had a goal on the goal line cleared in the 2nd the quarters Benfica played better than chelsea when chelsea had home field and Benfica had 2 CB's away because of injury. when benfica played at home David Luiz (i think it was he) made a handball. Not to talk about the final and semi,,,

I feel people on FR are a bit english baised since more than half of this site is from england (and it can be argued i can be baised too). Some people still have the stomach to call me a troll because i support a different league. And i think its a bit odd that you cant think La Liga is the best in the world. I dont like rankings but La Liga is at the top of the coffecient rankings.. like i said it should be to personal preference. But calling people who think a certain league from top 4 is the best stupid is and outrage.

And i like how you guys always complain when its against an english team.. the refs.. I you focus on other teams matches you can see the ref making wrong decisions in those matches too..

BTW: Malaga lucky, what are you smoking. Porto scored an offside goal. other than that Malagas deffence was pretty solid.

(you may hate on me but i if this was another guy writing the same thing but to the support of the english if 3 engligh were through to the quarters everyone whould be fine. Notice im not hating in my text) 

knibis 12 years ago
Valencia, Sweden 181 2500

All im saying is that dont take away cred too 3 la liga getting 3 teams in CL quarters (4 teams in second round)

as i wouldnt have taken away creed if 2 english and 0 spanish teams had reached quarters this year

Lodatz 12 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

^^ Says the guy who spends all his time cheering on anyone who plays against an English team, calls anyone who thinks the PL is the best league in the world a biased 'fan-boy', and who never actually brings any football analysis to any discussion, is the only person who refers to the coefficient as useful at all, and seems only capable of parroting cheap memes designed to insult or degrade another person's team, for his own amusement. Oh and who conveniently vanishes whenever is his own team is playing poorly, because he's worried that people are going to gloat at him the same way that he does to others.

There's no stomach needed to call you a troll, knibis, and your latest load of drivel sums up exactly why we do. All your post amounts to is: "haha suck it, yay La Liga."

You want people to stop calling you a troll? Stop acting like one.

I somehow doubt you're able to.

knibis 12 years ago
Valencia, Sweden 181 2500

* calls everyone who is a douchebag about La Liga vs EPL  a "fan-boy"

YOU Lodatz are the person in the universe thats best at just jumping to conclusion and missrerading texts..
you twist and turn on everything i say in every post to make it look like im hating..

Paranoid might be the word im looking for.

Broaden your view. just because i say La Liga is the bset doesnt mean i hate PL

Its hopeless. Im so confused with your logic every single time...

me speaking with Lodatz logic: So you saying La Liga isnt the best? fuucking troll

and about teams i can cheer for what i want really.. Disrespectfully towards (lets say) inter fans when you are saying i must cheer for Spurs. Everyone doesn't have to cheer on overhyped PL teams..

You should become a dictator because you got some skill trying to be controlling of peoples thoughts.

Lodatz 12 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

Nobody says you have to cheer for anybody. Since you ALWAYS, without fail, cheer against PL teams, and then try to gloat when they lose, always then bringing up La Liga to 'show how it's better', you make it pretty obvious what your objective is.

Just like you did in this very thread. You're fooling no-one.

You can say whatever you like -- that right does not protect you from people calling you out on it. There are lots of people who prefer La Liga, with whom PL-likers have reasoned, good-spirited discussions. It's funny how it's always YOU that ruins that, isn't it?

You're just a troll; and not that great of one. I noticed your little inclusion of 'overhyped PL teams', just to try and get a reaction. ;) The problem is, you're just too damn predictable, now. Every time you're called out on it, you just change the subject, and start making weird comments, with no reference to anything that is being said, just like you did in the post above.

Just give up, and maybe if you don't like us 'biased PL fan-boys' so much, you should follow Naman out the door.

knibis 12 years ago
Valencia, Sweden 181 2500

seriously is this guy for real..?

Heisinburg 12 years ago
Manchester United 67 1516

Well to be fair, knibis, you are well known for always being "biased" towards PL teams, so....anything you try to hit back with is complete irony..

koldimere 12 years ago
Arsenal, Germany 86 974

"seriously is this guy for real..?" That's a nice reply.