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The contract still needs to be signed. But Leo has a lot of fallbacks.

It was the perfect plan. Having won the World Cup, Leo Messi returned to Paris in early January. And on the wave of happiness caught, he should have slipped a new contract with PSG. Insiders have been competing for false information for more than a month now. And they set different deadlines. It was initially expected that the two-year agreement would conclude in mid-January. Then at the end. Further - in early February. But it's already the middle of the month. And everything is still quiet. There may be some problems with the new contract.

France is urging people not to panic. A L'Equipe journalist said a couple of days ago that negotiations would restart immediately after the first match against Bayern. Although, given the result ("PSG" lost 0:1), one can doubt it. A few days before, the Diario Sports portal rolled out two scenarios for extending the contract with a football player: the first is a contract for one year. The second - is according to the "1 + 1" scheme. It all depends on what Messi wants. But all this is a repetition of the rumors of last year. So far, we know one thing: the agreement is valid until the summer of 2023. So, the Argentine already has the right to negotiate with other clubs.

Foot Mercato generally published information that many fans will not want to believe: PSG is not a priority option for Messi. That is why he is in no hurry to renew. He wants to see how the team will perform in the Champions League. Plus, for future strategy. After all, there have been rumors for a long time that the club plans to part ways with Neymar and some other players. And the contract of the primary star Kylian Mbappe is also not eternal and ends in the summer of 2024.
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Lionel, if anything, definitely has plenty to choose from. Indeed, immediately after the victory of Argentina in Qatar, the player came from Saudi Arabia. And they offered a crazy € 300 million per season. It is no secret that the country plans to submit a joint application with Egypt and Greece to host the 2030 World Cup. And the invitation of another star would be an image success. Cristiano Ronaldo is already playing there. How cool it would be to see the reincarnation of the great confrontation. However, the topic quickly faded. Neither side has confirmed the fact of the negotiations.

Also, the option of returning to Barça has not gone away. Although recently, brother Leo almost ruined relations with the club with harsh statements. Then I had to apologize. So now complete neutrality. Inter Miami looms nearby - the US football market is also ready to fork out for the opportunity to see a star, albeit at the end of a career. True, the position of Messi himself is unequivocal - he does not want to go to weak leagues until at least 2024 - then America's Cup will be held, where the legend plans to put a bright end to the national team.

The last public appearance of the PSG management regarding the contract Lionel Messi was on February 5.

"At the moment, we are in talks with Messi about a renewal," Luis Campos told Telefoot. - I would like to keep it in the project; it's stupid to hide it. We are negotiating to achieve this goal and to keep him playing for us."

Before this, Marca had revealed that PSG had an image plan for Messi. They want to distance his image from Barcelona as much as possible. And if Leo ends his European career in a French club, then this will allegedly benefit the Parisians in the future. And the brand of the club will be associated with the world champion. But until now, all this is only in the plans. So when is the new deal? Now L'équipe writes that at a fresh meeting, representatives of the club and Messi did not agree. Journalists report that there will be another meeting soon, but they believe less and less in the collective future of the Argentinean and PSG.
