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Who Has Played in the UEFA Champions League Playoffs Most Often in the 21st Century?

In this century, only one team has played in the knockout matches every year - Real Madrid has always caught up on the spring part of the Central European Cup.

In the top 3 for the number of appearances in the playoffs are also Bayern Munich and Barcelona. If the Catalans did not participate in the tournament twice in 24 years and were eliminated in the group stage the same number of times, then the Munich team only failed to advance from the group once and missed out on the Champions League only once.

Surprisingly, besides Real, Arsenal also boasts a 100% statistic of reaching the playoffs! Yes, the Londoners missed out on a whopping 6 UEFA Champions League editions. Still, when they did participate, they always played knockout matches. That's consistency.

Another interesting fact is that only three teams have participated in the UEFA Champions League more times than Porto. However, the Portuguese team has the lowest percentage of playoff appearances.

Published by Patrick Jane