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The break for national team matches in September has concluded, during which the teams scored quite a few goals against each other. So, which national teams scored the most goals in the last ten years? Here are the top 5 teams.

5th place

In 576 matches over the past ten years, the French national team scored 284 goals.

4th place

The English national team has played 519 games since 2013 and scored 339 goals.

3rd place

The top 3 are opened by the Polish national team. Over the past ten years, the Poles played 541 matches and scored 457 goals.

2nd place

The Argentine national team played 579 matches in the past decade, scoring 473 goals.

1st place

The leader of the ranking is the Portuguese national team. The Portuguese have only slightly surpassed the Argentinians. In 546 matches, they scored 480 goals.

Published by Patrick Jane