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Transfermarkt Has Reset Promes's Market Value

On Wednesday, March 20th, Transfermarkt updated the transfer values of Russian Premier League football players. Promes, currently under arrest in Dubai, has been stripped of his market value. In December, the portal estimated his value at 6 million euros.

"The inability to play football has reset the market value, and it is currently unknown whether Quincy will be able to resume his playing career and restore his market value," the portal's message says.

Dubai police detained Promes on February 29th while passing through border control at Al Maktoum International Airport. The player was taken to a police station. The 32-year-old footballer was imprisoned in the UAE for a local offense (traffic accident). Later, Promes was arrested at the request of the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service, seeking his extradition. According to media reports, the forward is being held at a police station near Dubai Airport.

Earlier in the Netherlands, the footballer was sentenced to six years in prison for drug smuggling and one and a half years for assaulting his cousin with aggravating circumstances. The Amsterdam Public Prosecution Service stated that Promes had been declared internationally wanted. The verdicts have been appealed by the defense.

Published by Patrick Jane