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Two people have already received 16 months for illegal viewing.

Important January news for British fans: the police organized a raid called Operation Raider on the homes of citizens to prevent watching illegal broadcasts of Premier League matches.

Until this happens, the first trips are planned for the middle of the month.

How exactly will they find those who use the services of pirates?

A few details from The Mirror:

-The investigation already has a client base. It consists of people who broadcast or watch sports and entertainment events through special services where the cost of broadcasting is less. The police will visit about 1,000 houses.

-They will come to houses with warnings, and then violators can be held accountable.

-Sky Sports, BT Sport, and Amazon are among the initiators of the process.

-Chief Police Detective Gary Robinson of the Intellectual Property Crime Unit said that access to films and broadcasts from unauthorized sources is illegal, increases the risk of identity theft, and finances organized crime.

-For piracy, there were already sentences for more than a year. In 2021, Paul Faulkner and Stephen Millington were sentenced to 16 months in prison. The reason is watching illegal video broadcasts.