Manchester City's head coach, Pep Guardiola, has compared Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi.
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«I've seen Maradona, Messi. What sets Messi apart? I remember a preseason tour in Asia. He came from Argentina exhausted and battered. After the first half, the score was 0-0, and he was sitting on the bench. The tournament organizer said, 'Release Messi or we won't pay you.' In the last twenty minutes, we won 3-0 thanks to Leo's hat-trick.

Maradona was the strongest player of his time, but after what I've seen... Sorry, but Leo is something completely different,» Guardiola said at the Dialoghi sul talento con Pep Guardiola event.

Recall that Pep Guardiola coached Lionel Messi at Barcelona from 2008 to 2012.

Published by Patrick Jane