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Andres Iniesta Called the Match That Changed His Entire Career

Former Barcelona midfielder Andres Iniesta, who not long ago played his 1000th match in his career, named the most memorable game for him, which, according to his admission, changed his entire subsequent life.

"I'll call my debut match - in the Champions League against Brugge. We won with a minimal advantage - 1:0, and I played all 90 minutes. For me, this is the most memorable moment.

Of course, besides all the finals and titles, this is the happiest moment in my career. When I was little and played on gravel fields, I dreamed of becoming a professional footballer, and when I became one, I was immensely happy.

Everything that happened afterward resulted from many factors, but the most important day was the day I debuted. And then it was about perfecting myself, dedication, and sacrifice - hard work didn't stop for a day," Iniesta said.

Published by Patrick Jane