Brentford forward Ivan Toney admitted that he got into betting at a young age.

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«It happens at a young age: you place bets just to make small money. I was around 15 at the time. The more money you get, the higher the stakes become. 'If I lose, it's okay; I'll make it next month.

My 232 bets over the last five years? Among these incidents are bets that I don't even remember. But I agreed to take responsibility for them to end this once and for all. Because it's hanging over me and threatening my career. It's not the best feeling, far from the best. I've worked hard, scored 20 goals, and this is hanging over me.

As for mindset, when you have such a problem, you don't think, 'Maybe this could happen, or this, or that.' You never think about the negatives – only the positives. And the money. You think, 'Well, okay, it'll all come back next month,» said Ivan Toney on The Diary Of A CEO channel.

Recall that Ivan Toney is currently serving an 8-month suspension for illegal betting. In the past Premier League season, he scored 20 goals in 33 matches.
