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«He is the best player in history or one of the two best. I, like everyone else, was not sure what it would be like to work with him and whether the club would change much, but I have yet to see a more professional player than him. Every conversation with him is a lesson.

We met and talked about his diet, how he understands the importance of it, and rest for the game. He wears two fitness devices: a ring and a bracelet. He is the first to arrive and the last to leave. Doing business with him is excellent.

His only specialty is that he has an outstanding education in nutrition and eats very varied and healthy foods to have the energy for parties and workouts without any fancy fashion inventions.

Cristiano greatly helps me because we can no longer teach him anything, but he creates a school around himself. The rest of the players do what he does because everything he does has a beautiful effect on improving his game.

Since he came here, all the players have been training more intensely and following a stricter diet. I haven't seen a club like this where players improve their body composition by almost 90% every time I see them: they have less fat and more muscle and perform every exercise to the smallest detail. It is a luxury to work in such a team,» — said José Blaza.
