The club from Andalusia has updated its achievement by winning their seventh UEFA Europa League final out of seven.

Last year, after a victory with Roma in the Conference League final, the Portuguese coach got a tattoo of the three main European club football trophies. All of them were conquered by teams led by José Mourinho in different years. Mourinho, displaying the tattoo, pointed out that no other coach has such a collection. But now he has a reason to envy. The opponent in the final has once again rewritten history by defeating someone for whom winning European cups is practically a profession.

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Eternal values

Paraphrasing a famous saying, it can be noted that there are three things you can endlessly watch: fire burning, water flowing, and "Sevilla" winning their almost native cup. Since the first victory of the Spanish club in the UEFA Europa League (then still the UEFA Cup), "Sevilla" has had several changes in coaches and complete overhauls in the squad. One thing remains unchanged—if the team reaches a European final, they always win it. Seven wins out of seven—that's the new record, which is unlikely to be broken anytime soon. The not-so-successful statistics in the UEFA Super Cup should not be considered because many do not think it is a full-fledged European Cup.

Chasing pack

The closest to matching Sevilla's achievement, considering only the Europa League, is Madrid's "Atletico." But for the Spanish capital club to repeat the feat of their compatriots, they would need to win four more trophies while maintaining a perfect record. It will happen later. Moreover, "Los Colchoneros" lost in the Champions League final, so they cannot claim the absolute form.

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José's disappointment

Before the final, José Mourinho stated that he wanted to help his current club build a unique collection of trophies. And if successful on Wednesday evening in Budapest, he would have kept his promise—a combination of victories in the Conference League and the Europa League, which no team has achieved. Most likely, the Portuguese meant that following the successes in the two tournaments, a third, the ultimate triumph, should follow, and it would happen next year. Then Mourinho's tattoo could confidently be transferred to the kit of Roma—the team that learned what it means to win European cups (excluding the success in the Fairs Cup over sixty years ago) only with José's arrival.

However, it will not happen now, and it's a big blow to the Portuguese coach's ego. He dislikes situations where he fails to keep his word. His pre-match statements were not empty bravado, but the fact remains—a defeat in a decisive European Cup match is permanently etched into Mourinho's record. Moreover, it was against a team that didn't even know how to reach the final and not win it. So it's time to remove the title of "The Special One" from José and hand it over to Sevilla—an exceptional team in European football.
