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Ole Gunnar Solskjaer sees Michael Carrick as the future coach of Manchester United.

Solskjaer told The Athletic, "I'm 100% sure that Michael will become the coach of United if he wants to. Michael is a wholehearted and moral person, a family man, and his knowledge is also unmatched."

"He trained under Sir Alex Ferguson and Jose Mourinho and played with the best footballers in the world. He's a winner who controls his emotions. I can't imagine him not becoming the coach of Manchester United."

"Michael is a wonderful person, and everyone wishes him success. There is nothing negative about him. He does what he does for the right reasons."

"I don't like comparing myself to others, but I see myself in Michael and Michael in me. I'm not saying I could make the same pass as him, but we're both calm, thinking people."

"Michael is a winner, he knows what he wants and doesn't loosen his grip, but he will never lash out at the players."

Carrick took over struggling Middlesbrough in October and completely turned the situation around, securing a spot in the Championship playoffs. His team is second in the league in terms of goals scored.

On Sunday, Middlesbrough will play their first playoff semi-final match against Coventry City.
