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Soccer? or Football?
Tacuachillo 11 years ago
Barcelona, Mexico 8 242

So i have noticed people don't like it when the word "soccer" is used. For example I am Mexican and we call it Futbol, but i live now in USA and they call it Soccer. I have seen comments with soccer and people automatically have something negative to say. I know people think americans don't know anything about the sport but i thought futbol was a global sport that unites the world for the interest of the sport? So in a way it seems like discrimination. Im just trying to get some intake of your opinions. 

ramaboy10 11 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

Football.. end of...

raimondo90 11 years ago
Valencia, Argentina 89 2492

Both. Who the hell cares what you call it. 

Blissna 11 years ago
Newcastle United, England 0 25

I personally prefer it to be called Football. The problem arises when an American glibly states that it is Soccer not Football. I am happy for them to call it Soccer. I am however not happy when they tell me I am wrong because they do it differently.
Going a little deeper into the psychology behind this, some Americans cannot see beyond their own borders. I stress 'some'. Leaving them with the opinion that they are right, even though in this case they are in the minority.
This causes a lot of negativity for obvious reasons.
As an example. Imagine if I called Mexico, 'Mexiland'. Further imagine that all of my country calls it that, and has done for a good while.Despite the fact that we are the only people that call it that. If you then said you were from Mexico, then I said 'No you are from Mexiland'.You can imagine where the negativity stems from.

tdot2barca 11 years ago
Assyriska FF, Brazil 35 956

I honestly don't care what it's called. When I lived in Brasil we called it football. I live in Canada now and they call it soccer. When I speak to Canadians I call it soccer, when I speak to immigrants or online(which is global) I call it football because that is what the real name is. I went to Australia for a month and they call it soccer there too, & i'm pretty sure they call it soccer in many parts of Africa. This is all funny to me because it's usually the Englishmen who get so pissed off at the word "soccer", however they invented that word. LOL!

tdot2barca 11 years ago
Assyriska FF, Brazil 35 956

I also disagree with Blissna because that is rarely the case. People from England will scold you for calling it soccer no matter what, even if the person did not insist that the real term is soccer.

ramaboy10 11 years ago
Mauritius 285 6463

'This is all funny to me because it's usually
the Englishmen who get so pissed off at the word "soccer", however they
invented that word. LOL'

Seriously, dude. Its obvious that the Americans made up the word 'Soccer'. Just like they call 'Jam' 'Jelly' (What do they call Jelly? Jello? :P)

tdot2barca 11 years ago
Assyriska FF, Brazil 35 956

Lol no brother.. go do your research. By the way jam and jelly are two different things lol.

Lodatz 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

As an Englishman, living in the States, I believe I have the chance to offer perspective on this... ;)

No, Americans didn't invent the word 'soccer'. It's as old as the sport, and was coined in England as a colloquial short-cut for 'associated', as properly the sport is called Association Football -- this distinguished it from 'rugby football'. American football is, technically, called 'grid-iron football;, but because they play nothing else of a football variety, they just call their own sport football, in the same way as the majority of the world calls OUR football, football.

I call it football. I believe it is the correct game to be called football. However, just as tdot2barca said, while I'm living in the US I generally refer to it as soccer, if only to be properly understood by people around me. When speaking with a European, I naturally revert back to calling it football, because that's what WE understand it to be.

If someone wants to use the word soccer, I say: let them. Just let them also understand that calling it so is usually a red-flag to the majority of the football community that this person comes from a country where football isn't that big, along with whatever consequences that may carry with regard to how the community regards their credibility. ;)

At the end of the day, it's a social issue, not a technical one. Whether or not someone makes hay of it is, ultimately, more revealing about themselves, not the person they're scolding.

Tacuachillo 11 years ago
Barcelona, Mexico 8 242

Lol this is what i mean. Americans call it soccer because football to them american football is their first sport since futbol was not that big. From what i see the sport is growing fast here, but of coarse it's no where near the European lever or it will ever be, but still like tdot2barca " I call it football because that is what the real name is"? 

ikoiko 11 years ago
Arsenal, Spain 53 853

@Blissna, let us not generalize. There are narrow-minded people in every country. Also the United States aren't the only country to call or have called the sport "soccer".

@Tacuachillo, Exactly it. Se supone que "balompié" es el término correcto. "Fútbol" es una palabra que viene del ingles, entonces la mayoría del mundo lo dice incorrecto, incluso yo. Lo digo en broma por supuesto...

20ROBINVANPERSIE 11 years ago
Manchester United, England 26 349

americans..... copy english language

Vendetta 11 years ago
Chelsea FC, Egypt 202 3025

Soccer was the original word. The word 'Football' wasn't used until later when the it became a much more popular sport. For me, I'm used to soccer going to an American school, but I still prefer the word 'Football'.

nandaYNWA 11 years ago
Liverpool, Australia 87 946

in Australia it's called soccer, because there is another sport called football. But it's the same sport no matter what you call it, so who cares?

nandaYNWA 11 years ago
Liverpool, Australia 87 946

when I went to England, I called it soccer (out of habit) and they didn't mind and that was in Liverpool. 

Tacuachillo 11 years ago
Barcelona, Mexico 8 242

I get that the best term is 'Football', but most people feel like they need to correct you when someone calls it 'soccer'. Regardless if the word makes sense or not, the term soccer will never be changed so its a matter of accepting it world wide i guess. 

tdot2barca 11 years ago
Assyriska FF, Brazil 35 956

nanda they were probably talking **** about you when you left. A lot of people from England are like that.

Lodatz 11 years ago
Tottenham Hotspur, England 150 4992

Well, a lot of foreigners deserve it, tdot... O:)

ChelseaRox10 11 years ago
Chelsea, England U19 142 979

Honestly i dont give a fuck about what people call it